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#1 2015-07-28 16:19:23

Registered: 2011-08-05
Posts: 66

DPMS doesn't seem to work

I tried to configure dpms from wiki, and I created a 10-monitor.conf file as suggested:

Section "Monitor"
    Identifier "Monitor0"
    Option "DPMS" "true"

Section "ServerLayout"
    Identifier "ServerLayout0"
    Option "StandbyTime" "10"
    Option "SuspendTime" "30"
    Option "OffTime" "45"

but screen doesn't go blank, off or anything. I don't use a DM, and I have budgie desktop as DE, which has an energy setting, also doesn't work though.
If I use xset commands:

xset dpms force suspend
xset dpms force standby
xset dpms force off

the screen behaves as expected.


#2 2015-07-28 16:24:59

Wiki Maintainer
Registered: 2013-06-02
Posts: 506

Re: DPMS doesn't seem to work

What output does xset -q give?


#3 2015-07-28 16:29:25

Registered: 2011-08-05
Posts: 66

Re: DPMS doesn't seem to work

xset -q:

Keyboard Control:
  auto repeat:  on    key click percent:  0    LED mask:  00000000
  XKB indicators:
    00: Caps Lock:   off    01: Num Lock:    off    02: Scroll Lock: off
    03: Compose:     off    04: Kana:        off    05: Sleep:       off
    06: Suspend:     off    07: Mute:        off    08: Misc:        off
    09: Mail:        off    10: Charging:    off    11: Shift Lock:  off
    12: Group 2:     off    13: Mouse Keys:  off
  auto repeat delay:  500    repeat rate:  33
  auto repeating keys:  00ffffffdffffbbf
  bell percent:  50    bell pitch:  400    bell duration:  100
Pointer Control:
  acceleration:  2/1    threshold:  10
Screen Saver:
  prefer blanking:  yes    allow exposures:  yes
  timeout:  0    cycle:  0
  default colormap:  0x20    BlackPixel:  0x0    WhitePixel:  0xffffff
Font Path:
DPMS (Energy Star):
  Standby: 0    Suspend: 0    Off: 0
  DPMS is Enabled
  Monitor is On


#4 2015-07-28 16:46:13

Wiki Maintainer
Registered: 2013-06-02
Posts: 506

Re: DPMS doesn't seem to work

 Standby: 0    Suspend: 0    Off: 0

Looks like your settings in 10-monitor.conf aren't being respected. Have you got something running like XScreenSaver or Xfce Power Manager that overrides DPMS settings?


#5 2015-07-28 16:57:28

Registered: 2011-08-05
Posts: 66

Re: DPMS doesn't seem to work

I've installed xscreensaver, which had the same problem and I removed it. I also have xfce, so I suppose I have the xfce power manager too.
I have xfce-power-manager and I just run it's settings. I found that it was configure to control power manager, but it doesn't running. I disabled and now I will reboot to see if something changes.

Last edited by dancer69 (2015-07-28 17:02:30)


#6 2015-07-28 17:05:27

Wiki Maintainer
Registered: 2013-06-02
Posts: 506

Re: DPMS doesn't seem to work

You almost certainly have the power manager. If pgrep -f xfce4-power-manager returns something then it's running. You could disable the power manager on startup:

Applications -> Settings -> Session and Startup -> Application Autostart (then untick Power Manager)

Alternatively, just control your DPMS settings through the Power Manager:

Applications -> Settings -> Power Manager -> Display (look for the setting under the DPMS heading)


#7 2015-07-28 17:19:30

Registered: 2011-08-05
Posts: 66

Re: DPMS doesn't seem to work

Yes it outputs 588. I killed this proccess but again screen doesn't go off. Also I don't run xfce-session and I was set to handle display power management, but it didn't. I disabled it and reboot but still didn't. Now after I enable it again works. This will work and for virtual consoles? Because I have the same problem there too.


#8 2015-07-28 17:37:30

Wiki Maintainer
Registered: 2013-06-02
Posts: 506

Re: DPMS doesn't seem to work

As a quick aside, you don't need to do all these reboots. Logouts almost always suffice for testing config changes.

You say you're not running xfce4-session so what are you running? And what within that session causes xfce4-power-manager to be run? You need to figure that if you want to disable Xfce Power Manager as the method I described above won't work if you're not running xfce4-session.

Basically, once you have ensured xfpm isn't running on login, just check to see if the values reported by xset -q line up with what's in your 10-monitor.conf. If they do, then your DPMS settings should be working.

Last edited by Chazza (2015-07-28 17:37:55)


#9 2015-07-28 17:46:37

Registered: 2011-08-05
Posts: 66

Re: DPMS doesn't seem to work

I'm running Budgie-Session, I mentioned above. Now seems that power manager works fine for X session, and also has a tray icon which appears in Budgie panel. So I don't mind to have it. The problem now is how to make it work and outside X.


#10 2015-07-28 18:59:40

Wiki Maintainer
Registered: 2013-06-02
Posts: 506

Re: DPMS doesn't seem to work

I'm running Budgie-Session, I mentioned above.

Right, sorry I missed that.

Regarding DPMS in the console, as per this section of the DPMS article, it would seem your best bet is to use setterm commands. Pop them in your ~/.bash_profile if you want them run on each console login.


#11 2015-07-29 04:26:54

Registered: 2011-08-05
Posts: 66

Re: DPMS doesn't seem to work

I tried setterm commands, but they don't seem to work. All commands I tried (blank, powersave=on, powersave=off, powerdown 0), only clear the screen(I can tell because I have a colored background).


#12 2015-07-31 08:12:49

Registered: 2011-08-05
Posts: 66

Re: DPMS doesn't seem to work

Unfortunately the problem appears again, and I cannot find any way to activate screen off. I have uninstalled xfce power manager, deactivated gnome power manager, made sure that they doesn't running by the pgrep command mentioned above, but still doesn't work. I tried to manually set a timeout via xset and works without problems, but without it DPMS doesn't work. I also tried to create a .desktop file with this command and put it in autostart folder, but it doesn't work either. Tried also to create a systemd service which fails with error: unable to open display "0 0".
Here is the service:

Description=DPMS control

ExecStart=/usr/bin/xset -display ":0.0" dpms 60 660 1200



#13 2015-07-31 09:57:12

Wiki Maintainer
Registered: 2013-06-02
Posts: 506

Re: DPMS doesn't seem to work

In your service file above, try adding

after the Description line.


#14 2015-07-31 12:01:06

Registered: 2011-08-05
Posts: 66

Re: DPMS doesn't seem to work

Failed again. I get different messages from systemctl status than before, but again at the end is the error: unable to open display...

failure messages:

dpmsctl.service - DPMS control
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/dpmsctl.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Παρ 2015-07-31 14:55:10 EEST; 15s ago
  Process: 5223 ExecStart=/usr/bin/xset -display :0.0 dpms 60 660 1200 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
 Main PID: 5223 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
systemd[1]: Starting DPMS control...
xset[5223]: No protocol specified
xset[5223]: /usr/bin/xset:  unable to open display ":0.0"dpmsctl.service: Main process exited, code=exit...URE
xset[5223]: /usr/bin/xset:  unable to open display ":0.0"Failed to start DPMS control.
systemd[1]: dpmsctl.service: Unit entered failed state
systemd[1]: dpmsctl.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
 xset[5223]: /usr/bin/xset:  unable to open display ":0.0"


#15 2015-07-31 13:26:19

Wiki Maintainer
Registered: 2013-06-02
Posts: 506

Re: DPMS doesn't seem to work

Ok, different approach. How about putting your xset command in your ~/.xinitrc.

Last edited by Chazza (2015-07-31 13:28:17)


#16 2015-07-31 13:40:10

Registered: 2011-08-05
Posts: 66

Re: DPMS doesn't seem to work

I tried already together with the autostart method but it didn't work. But I just created a script with a sleep before and put this in .desktop file instead. This way works, so I believe that .xinitrc method will work too.

Last edited by dancer69 (2015-07-31 13:43:00)


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