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So, is this yet another Arch linux installation script? What's so different about it? Why did I wrote it while we have AUI, Evolution and other projects?
The idea under my script is KISS: you have one configuration file and the script will automatically install whole Arch Linux, all your software, configure all your configs (from git dotfiles) and build all your AUR packages from this configuration file. I personally wrote this script to automate my own Arch linux installation routine, but it evolved into bigger project. Now I can reinstall my linux right now, and everything will be the same (except that it will be clean system).
Coolest features of the script:
Installation from within any working system. I tried installing arch from arch and from debian, but you can install it even from windows (if you have cygwin or something like that)
Display each executed command, allow to edit this executed command, definitely allow to edit failed executed command
Flexible software configuration with symlinks from your dotfiles, using as many dotfiles repositories as you need
Other features:
Automatic filesystem mount and fstab generation (yet, I did not trust the script with formatting drives)
Basic system configuration (hostname, mirrorlist, network): no need to store all of these in dotfiles, but you can if you want!
Very flexible multiuser configuration
Neat colored output
Configuration file ** is self-explanatory, but I have wrote also documentation, which is OLD (I definitely need to update it).
So, I'd appreciate if you guys at least have a look and maybe tested it, because script is developed and tested only by me, and there may be more issues than I think there is.
Last edited by ewancoder (2015-08-07 21:57:53)
The idea under my script is KISS.
We have very different ideas of KISS: this looks like bloat to me.
Are you going to support all the morons that run this then show up here aslking to have their hand held some more when they can't update their 1337 arch install?
It's fine scratching your own itch and automating your install. But look through the boards at all of the threads where similar scripts just resulted in more hapless help vampires showing up demanding help.
To be clear, like AUI, Evolution and all of the other scripts, this is not supported here.
I was going through the code then saw this:
mess "Apply patch to makepkg in order to return '--asroot' parameter"
patch /usr/bin/makepkg < /root/makepkg.patch
Apparently used to install yaourt:
rm /root/makepkg.patch
mess "Install yaourt"
curl -O
chmod +x
./ -si --asroot --noconfirm package-query yaourt
Really? At the least, read this:
Mods are just community members who have the occasionally necessary option to move threads around and edit posts. -- Trilby
Well, KISS is not about minimalism, it's about simplicity. If it were about minimalism, arch would have never adopted systemd.
Also, about EAL script: it's UNIVERSAL. If you store your dotfiles in right manner, you get automated REinstallation without any errors or fixes, and even if there is some troubles - no need to support anyone, users can edit any command right in the middle of execution (debug it) and continue just fine. If it's not their fault that script had failed, then I will surely "support" and fix (update) the script. Any other functionality users can add for themselves, because EAL allows execution of another scripts (per user as well as just root).
And finally, how can it be the "bloat", if it provides minimalistic approach to reinstalling system, has around 700 lines of code, at least half of which is just wrappers around [if/then/while/for] for conditional execution based on (configuration) flags.
I was going through the code then saw this:
mess "Apply patch to makepkg in order to return '--asroot' parameter" patch /usr/bin/makepkg < /root/makepkg.patch
Apparently used to install yaourt:
rm /root/makepkg.patch mess "Install yaourt" curl -O chmod +x ./ -si --asroot --noconfirm package-query yaourt
Really? At the least, read this:
Well, this is used to install yaourt, then yaourt used to install all the software including AUR packages. Those who doesn't like yaourt can remove it after installation with root/user custom script.
--as-root option is enabled by patch to be able to install packages as root (because whole installation is performed as root), then at the end of the script this option is removed (package-query is reinstalled), because this is dangerous option and it was officially removed from package-query (which I am aware of)
Last edited by ewancoder (2015-08-07 21:56:55)
Are you going to support all the morons that run this then show up here aslking to have their hand held some more when they can't update their 1337 arch install?
This script is not intended to use by beginners, although we can make dozen of configs for all cases and just give it to users who wishes to install system with pre-defined configuration. This script is made for experienced users who wish to automate arch reinstalling process in some unified way, gives them possibility to share configurations, you can even fork whole script and re-made it for yourself.
One of the main features of the script is it's error-proof system, which allows one-by-one line execution and fixing all the problems (changing executed command). This "wrapper" ( is pretty cool and I even think to split this project in two, where this wrapper will be some tool for debugging bash scripts. This is one of the main reasons why I think this script is cool and can be used by experienced users to reinstall their systems.
Don't get me wrong I think it's good that there are these scripts out there - all about choice. BUT such scripts always meet a hostile reception here I guess mostly because of what jasonwryan wrote about beginners running into trouble and then coming here for help.
I have used an install script I think the writers name is Helmut? and it worked really well. In fact the current system I am using was installed with it.
Last edited by chickenPie4tea (2015-08-08 07:22:21)
You can like linux without becoming a fanatic!
Alad wrote:I was going through the code then saw this:
mess "Apply patch to makepkg in order to return '--asroot' parameter" patch /usr/bin/makepkg < /root/makepkg.patch
Apparently used to install yaourt:
rm /root/makepkg.patch mess "Install yaourt" curl -O chmod +x ./ -si --asroot --noconfirm package-query yaourt
Really? At the least, read this:
Well, this is used to install yaourt, then yaourt used to install all the software including AUR packages. Those who doesn't like yaourt can remove it after installation with root/user custom script.
--as-root option is enabled by patch to be able to install packages as root (because whole installation is performed as root), then at the end of the script this option is removed (package-query is reinstalled), because this is dangerous option and it was officially removed from package-query (which I am aware of)
Please read the link you were given. There are alternatives to running makepkg as root. It is explained in detail in the article. Please have a look at it and be an example for others. Help us get rid of this malpractice, that has caused so much support traffic on all channels.
Don't get me wrong I think it's good that there are these scripts out there - all about choice. BUT such scripts always meet a hostile reception here I guess mostly because of what jasonwryan wrote about beginners running into trouble and then coming here for help.
I have used an install script I think the writers name is Helmut? and it worked really well. In fact the current system I am using was installed with it.
Well, as I said - this script was written to AUTOMATE reinstalling of Arch distro with all the software, configuration, settings and restoration from backup. So this will be mainly used by advanced users. I personally never found script like that on the internet, so it is kind of unique.
Secondly, if there will be novices running here and asking questions - we can just close this whole theme (or even delete it if moderators would like that). I don't see how that can be happening because I never really advertized this script. I just posted it here to be able to share with some of the archers like me.
Please read the link you were given. There are alternatives to running makepkg as root. It is explained in detail in the article. Please have a look at it and be an example for others. Help us get rid of this malpractice, that has caused so much support traffic on all channels.
I tried to install AUR packages with yaourt your way (using su instead of sudo, because sudo is not installed nor configured on arch live-cd/root-fs), but when you finished building package it asks for a password, so I guess for packages installation with "--no-confirm" option you have to install sudo and give that user permission to execute pacman as root without password.
Last edited by ewancoder (2015-08-08 11:00:00)
If you store your dotfiles in right manner, you get automated REinstallation without any errors or fixes, and even if there is some troubles - no need to support anyone, users can edit any command right in the middle of execution (debug it) and continue just fine.
Thank you. I needed a good laugh this morning. Everything about this sentence is complete nonsense. Storing dotfiles in the "right" manner? You mean if everyone's system is configured exactly as yours is.
The software should work - so there is no need to support anyone. Do you think most software is intended to have bugs? Or are you just so arrogant to think you've magically coded something perfect? I get the impression that you've never actually shared any code or programs you've written before.
Users can debug this and continue just fine? Have you read any of the threads in the N.C. section of these forums?
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
ewancoder wrote:If you store your dotfiles in right manner, you get automated REinstallation without any errors or fixes, and even if there is some troubles - no need to support anyone, users can edit any command right in the middle of execution (debug it) and continue just fine.
Thank you. I needed a good laugh this morning. Everything about this sentence is complete nonsense. Storing dotfiles in the "right" manner? You mean if everyone's system is configured exactly as yours is.
You are welcome!
Storing dotfiles in the "right" manner means simply that you have some directory and the dotfiles for it (take for example ~/ directory and dotfiles at github/url/dotfiles.git). Now, you have flexibility to clone these github/url/dotfiles.git in whatever folder you like, and then all the files from your github-dotfiles folder linked to your folder (in this example - ~/).
If you cloned your dotfiles in ~/.dotfiles folder (as I do), file ~/.dotfiles/.bashrc will be linked to ~/.bashrc. If you have some files in your ~/.dotfiles/.config/ folder, your whole ~/.config folder will be moved to ~/.dotfiles/ folder, and then linked like `ln -s ~/.dotfiles/.config ~/`. So the only "right" manner to store dotfiles would be a record in your .gitignore with asterix `/*` to exclude all files and avoid bloating your git repo when you move some big folder there. Then you can add new files to your dotfiles repo by using `git add -f` (force flag). Also, if you'd like to see all the changes in some directory instantly, you can exclude this directory from the exclusion, like `!/bin/` in your .dotfiles.
So, the system can be configured whichever way you like. It's just one more line in your .gitignore you need.
The software should work - so there is no need to support anyone. Do you think most software is intended to have bugs? Or are you just so arrogant to think you've magically coded something perfect? I get the impression that you've never actually shared any code or programs you've written before.
Users can debug this and continue just fine? Have you read any of the threads in the N.C. section of these forums?
Arch is a bleeding edge repository, sometimes some PKGBUILDS are corrupted, sometimes something else broken. Sometimes user put wrong configuration it their "" configuration file. And sometimes you just want total control of what is executed and be able to change any line. I provided this functionality, and it works so well that I think to split this project in two, dividing the wrapper as some "bash-testing" or "bash-debug" tool, which will be used not only for this script, but to test (interactively interpret) any script.
And yes, user can debug this and continue just fine. If there's an error, it will not go further until you resolved it.
P. S. Yes, you are correct, I've never actually shared any opensource code to big communities.
Last edited by ewancoder (2015-08-08 11:27:03)
I can see this useful in situation where you need to deploy many systems or when you are doing some kind of testing which involves reinstalling the OS. But in normal use case it just promotes ignorance. You can often see the fruits of this ignorance in N.C. when someone is absolutely clueless what is on their system and how it is configured.
If I had to reinstall my arch install I would do it manually simply to refresh my knowledge on how to do it, I don't want to forget. And since re-installs are something that happens very rare I see no need to speed up the process via any script.
"It is easier to fool people, than to convince them that they've been fooled" ~ Dr. Andrea Love
I can see this useful in situation where you need to deploy many systems or when you are doing some kind of testing which involves reinstalling the OS. But in normal use case it just promotes ignorance. You can often see the fruits of this ignorance in N.C. when someone is absolutely clueless what is on their system and how it is configured.
If I had to reinstall my arch install I would do it manually simply to refresh my knowledge on how to do it, I don't want to forget. And since re-installs are something that happens very rare I see no need to speed up the process via any script.
Again, this script could run in "manual" mode (auto=0, verbose=1). You will see each executed command (script will pause at the each line), you will see all variables values, used in this command, and you will be prompted to edit this very command with all the variables already substituted for you. You can even write "givemebash" command to enter a raw bash, and after some manipulations just type "exit" (or Ctrl+D) to exit this bash session and continue script execution.
You can use this script this way to "refresh your memory" and at the same time "save your time on typing the same commands again and again". It will be typed for you
There is also muscle memory which can only be refreshed by "typing the same commands again and again".
"It is easier to fool people, than to convince them that they've been fooled" ~ Dr. Andrea Love
There is also muscle memory which can only be refreshed by "typing the same commands again and again".
You can re-type it, the script provides command message and only then command editable message, which can be deleted by using (C-U), and retyped watching the command message above.
Although, I am very sceptical about whole "refresh memory" thing and doesn't think this is even worth doing because why the hell would you want to remember how to reinstall linux when you can focus on other, more important things, and let automation to do the trick.
It almost as if some manufacturing company still made their product by hand, avoiding robots automation lines because they'd forget how to do it.
Archlinux is my hobby so yes I like to refresh my memory now and then. If I wanted automagic I would choose a different distro. And btw the install process isn't actually that complex anyway...
"It is easier to fool people, than to convince them that they've been fooled" ~ Dr. Andrea Love
I think the main point is not in the automation of the fresh installation, but in automation of reinstalling and configuring of tens of installed packages.
bing different
I think the main point is not in the automation of the fresh installation, but in automation of reinstalling and configuring of tens of installed packages.
Yeah I get it. But how often you do that anyway...
"It is easier to fool people, than to convince them that they've been fooled" ~ Dr. Andrea Love
nbd wrote:ugjka,
I think the main point is not in the automation of the fresh installation, but in automation of reinstalling and configuring of tens of installed packages.
Yeah I get it. But how often you do that anyway...
Yes, I guess this is the main point. And given that I like to watch how great my script performs, I reinstall my distro frequently Also, this can be used for installing the same system, software and configuration on another machine (tested with PC and notebook). So you need to configure only once and then install to all your machines.
Your script may perform very well and everyone have the freedom to do as they like, but the main problem here is that installs done with any kind of 3rd party scripts are simply unsupported here. That has been made very clear by admins and moderators here.
Last edited by ugjka (2015-08-08 17:04:41)
"It is easier to fool people, than to convince them that they've been fooled" ~ Dr. Andrea Love
Then don't use yaourt. Use something simple like cower and build as nobody.
ugjka wrote:nbd wrote:ugjka,
I think the main point is not in the automation of the fresh installation, but in automation of reinstalling and configuring of tens of installed packages.
Yeah I get it. But how often you do that anyway...
Yes, I guess this is the main point. And given that I like to watch how great my script performs, I reinstall my distro frequently
Also, this can be used for installing the same system, software and configuration on another machine (tested with PC and notebook). So you need to configure only once and then install to all your machines.
Yes I understand that and I am glad you wrote your script and took the time to write good documentation for them which very few people bother to do. However I repeat that install scripts rarely if ever get a good reception on these forums! I am sure there are other forums though.
But from my point of view, thankyou
You can like linux without becoming a fanatic!
What is this "reinstall" you all speak of? I've never heard of that command.
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/ is the root of all problems.
Holy hell... I'm not a registered user here, but I had to create an account in order to express my opinion on this.
ewancoder has just created a script that he uses to automate installs and thought others might find it useful.. If I'd heard that someone had done this, I'd have probably thought "Hey, nice guy, trying to share something with the community", but the hostility that he's been met with is absolutely absurd. You should be ashamed of yourselves (jasonwryan and Trilby) for meeting a new user, that just wanted to give something back, with such unfriendliness and bitterness! It takes effort and courage to share your code and make it open to other peoples scrutinisation and you welcome him with this... nice..
Last edited by temp_account (2016-03-20 12:35:47)
temp_account, thanks mate. There are scores of installation scripts and they've been a nightmare to support for. Making a new one doesn't improve the situation and adds to our problems. If one wants to help the community there are better ways of doing it, like improving the wiki. Thanks for your opinion though.
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