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Assuming a user has an encrypted $HOME, I need a user service that will:
1) Wait for the $HOME to be decrypted, then run ExecStart, and
2) Run ExecStop before the user closes the encryption again.
3) Totally ignore the encryption requirement if the user has no encryption setup, ie just run normally.
I haven't dealt this requirement before so I'm asking for suggestions. The following is the current user service file draft:
Documentation=man:psd(1) man:profile-sync-daemon(1)
ExecStart=/usr/bin/profile-sync-daemon resync
ExecStop=/usr/bin/profile-sync-daemon unsync
Last edited by graysky (2015-08-30 17:00:23)
CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck • AUR packages • Zsh and other configs
You write
The following is the current user service file draft:
This seems to imply it is going to be used as a systemd user service, which makes sense for your daemon and also means the service resides in ~/.config/systemd/user/. Hence, the respective $HOME would be mounted already anyway or not?
@Strike0 - Not exactly, PKG-provided user services go to /usr/lib/systemd/user
CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck • AUR packages • Zsh and other configs
Ok, yes. Tricky to make it universal. Users may have different types of encryption. Most probably use blockdevice encryption (LUKS), which means /home is mounted for all users at boot and should not pose a problem (unless the user has an unusual separate $HOME mount).
If a user uses stacked-encryption (encryptfs, encfs), $HOME usually is mounted but not decrypted yet - this only happens at user-login. Hence, this case would be broken. But you may get a combination also, some users' $HOME may be available, others not yet. Since systemd user is not aware of this, the only wayout in this case may be to place _all_ user service files into respective ~/.config/systemd/user/ dirs (and make them override the package installed one - perhaps you can make them override it by using a psd@user.service template unit). The problem is exactly what is described in the big note in … w_it_works
I know this is not what you intend to work out. If I have another idea, I'll return.
AFAIK, as long the user has a home partition, regardless if encrypted or not, this (last line) should work (does for me):
ExecStart=/home/sea/prjs/connect/connect wifi home
ExecStop=/home/sea/prjs/connect/connect wifi restart
I could add the home.mount target (already have the RequiresMountsFor directive though), but I want the stop line to get executed when the user logs out or otherwise encrypts the home partition... Actually, the stop line NEEDS to be triggered by the encryption/logout and must occur before it happened. I don't know how to do that.... Anyone?
Last edited by graysky (2015-09-04 09:26:26)
CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck • AUR packages • Zsh and other configs
I'm in a similar situation at the moment. Did you fix it @graysky? Btw. home.mount is not universally available. E.g. on my system, I only have an EFI boot partition and a partition for root. No home partition and therefore no home.mount. Does waiting for crytpsetup fix this (partly)?