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#1 2015-09-06 19:55:09

From: Outside your universe.
Registered: 2015-08-29
Posts: 78

[SOLVED]Conky has the wrong part of my wallpaper behind it....

so i have been getting a black box behind my conky and when i would try to make it fully transparent it would also make my whole conky transparent now i got this : (and yes I did check the wiki for screenshot software lol "cough noob cough")

this is my conkyrc

# Use Xft?
use_xft yes
xftfont Open Sans Light:size=8
xftalpha 0.8
text_buffer_size 2048
uppercase yes

# Update interval in seconds
update_interval 1

# This is the number of times Conky will update before quitting.
# Set to zero to run forever.
total_run_times 0

# Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
own_window yes
own_window_type normal
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
#own_window_argb_visual yes
#own_window_argb_value 1

# Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
double_buffer yes

#minimum_size 282

# Draw shades?
draw_shades no
default_shade_color 000000
# Draw outlines?
draw_outline no

# Draw borders around text
draw_borders no

# Stippled borders?
stippled_borders 0

# border margins
#border_inner_margin 30
#border_outer_margin 0
draw_graph_borders no
# border width
border_width 0

# Text alignment, other possible values are commented
#alignment top_left
alignment top_right
#alignment bottom_left
#alignment bottom_right

# Gap between borders of screen and text
# same thing as passing -x at command line
gap_x 1
gap_y 150

#	Distric-Thin			fonts
#	Blue Highway
#	Raleway
#	Zekton
#	Calibri
#	Engebrechtre
#	Opeln2001
#	Open Sans Light
#	Open Sans Light
imlib_cache_size 0

color1 dcdcdc
color2 dcdcdc
color3 dcdcdc
color4 dcdcdc
color5 d64937
color6 dcdcdc
color7 dcdcdc
${image ~/.conky-weather-icons/background.png -p 0,34 -s 287x682}${image ~/.conky-weather-icons/box.png -p 10,168 -s 267x64}${execi 300 curl -s "" -o ~/.cache/weather.xml}
${color1}${font Open Sans Light:size=42}${alignr 10}${execi 300 grep "yweather:condition" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "temp=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*"}°${font}
${font Nimbus Sans Light:pixelsize=9}${execi 300 cp -f ~/.conky-weather-icons/60x60/$(grep "yweather:condition" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "code=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*").png ~/.cache/weather.png}${image ~/.cache/weather.png -p 8,56 -s 60x60}${color5}
   Currently:${color1}${alignc}${execi 300 grep "yweather:condition" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "text=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*"}${color5}
   Wind:${alignc}${color1}${execi 300 grep "yweather:wind" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "speed=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*"}${execi 300 grep "yweather:units" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "speed=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*"}${color5}
   Humidity:${color1}${alignc}${execi 300 grep "yweather:atmosphere" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "humidity=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*"}%

${color1}${goto 24}${execi 300 grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "high=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==1'}°${execi 300 cp -f ~/.conky-weather-icons/32x32/$(grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "code=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==1').png ~/.cache/weather-1.png}${image ~/.cache/weather-1.png -p 14,190 -s 32x32}${goto 128}${execi 300 grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "high=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==2'}°${execi 300 cp -f ~/.conky-weather-icons/32x32/$(grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "code=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==2').png ~/.cache/weather-2.png}${image ~/.cache/weather-2.png -p 120,190 -s 32x32}${goto 224}${execi 300 grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "high=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==3'}°${execi 300 cp -f ~/.conky-weather-icons/32x32/$(grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "code=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==3').png ~/.cache/weather-3.png}${image ~/.cache/weather-3.png -p 224,190 -s 32x32}

${color4}${goto 60}${execi 300 grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "low=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==1'}°${goto 164}${execi 300 grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "low=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==2'}°${alignr 10}${execi 300 grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "low=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==3'}°
${image ~/.conky-weather-icons/separator.png -p 13,262 -s 263x2}
${color5}${font Nimbus Sans Light:pixelsize=12}${goto 22}${execi 300 grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "day=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==1' | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'}${goto 126}${color1}${execi 300 grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "day=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==2' | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'}${goto 232}${execi 300 grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "day=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==3' | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'}${font}

${font Nimbus Sans Light:pixelsize=9}${if_existing /proc/net/route wlan0}
${goto 14}${color1}Up:${color1} ${color3}${upspeed wlan0}${color1}${alignr}${goto 190}${color1}Down:${color1} ${color3}${downspeed wlan0}${color1}
${goto 14}${upspeedgraph wlan0 50,120 d64937 772953}${alignr}${goto 160}${downspeedgraph wlan0 50,120 d64937 772953}
${goto 14}${color1}Sent:${color1} ${color2}${totalup wlan0}${color1}${alignr}${goto 190}${color1}Received:${color1} ${color2}${totaldown wlan0}${color}1
${else}${if_existing /proc/net/route enp4s0}
${goto 14}${color1}Up:${color1} ${color3}${upspeed enp4s0}${color1}${alignr}${goto 190}${color1}Down:${color1} ${color3}${downspeed enp4s0}${color1}
${goto 14}${upspeedgraph enp4s0 50,120 d64937 772953}${alignr}${goto 160}${downspeedgraph enp4s0 50,120 d64937 772953}
${goto 14}${color1}Sent:${color1} ${color2}${totalup enp4s0}${color1}${alignr}${goto 190}${color1}Received:${color1} ${color2}${totaldown enp4s0}${color}1
${else}${if_existing /proc/net/route eth0}
${goto 14}${color1}Up:${color1} ${color3}${upspeed eth0}${color1}${alignr}${goto 190}${color1}Down:${color1} ${color3}${downspeed eth0}${color}
${goto 14}${upspeedgraph eth0 50,120 914141 914141}${alignr}${goto 160}${downspeedgraph eth0 50,120 914141 914141}
${goto 14}${color1}Sent:${color1} ${color2}${totalup eth0}${color1}${alignr}${goto 190}${color1}Received:${color} ${color2}${totaldown eth0}${color1}
${else}${if_existing /proc/net/route eth1}
${goto 14}${color1}Up:${color1} ${color3}${upspeed eth1}${color}${alignr}${goto 190}${color1}Down:${color1} ${color3}${downspeed eth1}${color1}
${goto 14}${upspeedgraph eth1 50,120 914141 914141}${alignr}${goto 160}${downspeedgraph eth1 50,120 914141 914141}
${goto 14}${color1}Sent:${color1} ${color2}${totalup eth1}${color1}${alignr}${goto 190}${color1}Received:${color1} ${color2}${totaldown eth1}${color1}
${else}${if_existing /proc/net/route ppp0}
${goto 14}${color5}Up:${color1} ${color1}${upspeed ppp0}${color}${alignr}${goto 160}${goto 190}${color5}Down:${color1} ${color1}${downspeed ppp0}${color}
${goto 14}${upspeedgraph ppp0 50,120 914141 914141}${alignr}${goto 160}${downspeedgraph ppp0 50,120 914141 914141}
${image ~/.conky-weather-icons/online.png -p 218,138 -s 51x18}
${goto 14}${color5}Sent:${color1} ${color2}${totalup ppp0}${color1}${alignr}${goto 190}${color5}Received:${color1} ${color2}${totaldown ppp0}${color1}
   Network disconnected${image ~/.conky-weather-icons/offline.png -p 218,138 -s 51x18}
${color3}   Connect to a network to see statistics${color1}
${voffset 50}
${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${voffset -15}
${image ~/.conky-weather-icons/separator.png -p 13,388 -s 263x2}
${goto 15}${font Open Sans Light:size=15}Processors/Memory
${goto 14}${color5}${font Nimbus Sans Light:pixelsize=9}CPU 1: ${color1}${alignc}${freq_g 0} ${color1}Ghz ${goto 14}${color2}${alignr}${goto 254}${cpu cpu0}${color1}%
${goto 14}${color5}${font Nimbus Sans Light:pixelsize=9}CPU 2: ${color1}${alignc}${freq_g 1} ${color1}Ghz ${goto 14}${color2}${alignr}${goto 254}${cpu cpu1}${color1}%
${goto 14}${color5}${font Nimbus Sans Light:pixelsize=9}CPU 3: ${color1}${alignc}${freq_g 2} ${color1}Ghz ${color2}${alignr}${goto 254}${cpu cpu2}${color1}%
${goto 14}${color5}${font Nimbus Sans Light:pixelsize=9}CPU 4: ${color1}${alignc}${freq_g 3} ${color1}Ghz ${color2}${alignr}${goto 254}${cpu cpu3}${color1}%
${goto 14}${alignr}${goto 14}${loadgraph 50,266 d64937 772953 -l}
${goto 14}${color5}${font Nimbus Sans Light:pixelsize=9}RAM: ${color1}${alignc 10}${mem}
${goto 14}${color5}${font Nimbus Sans Light:pixelsize=9}TOTAL: ${color1}${alignc 10}${memmax}
${image ~/.conky-weather-icons/separator.png -p 13,592 -s 263x2}
${goto 50}${color1}${font Open Sans Light:size=15}Top Processes
${goto 14}${color1}${font Nimbus Sans Light:pixelsize=9}${color5}${top_mem name 1}${color1}${alignc -10}${top_mem mem_res 1}${color2}${alignr}${goto 234}${top_mem mem 1}${color1} %
${goto 14}${color1}${font Nimbus Sans Light:pixelsize=9}${color5}${top_mem name 2}${color1}${alignc -10}${top_mem mem_res 2}${color2}${alignr}${goto 234}${top_mem mem 2}${color1} %
${goto 14}${color1}${font Nimbus Sans Light:pixelsize=9}${color5}${top_mem name 3}${color1}${alignc -10}${top_mem mem_res 3}${color2}${alignr}${goto 234}${top_mem mem 3}${color1} %
${goto 14}${color1}${font Nimbus Sans Light:pixelsize=9}${color5}${top_mem name 4}${color1}${alignc -10}${top_mem mem_res 4}${color2}${alignr}${goto 234}${top_mem mem 4}${color1} %
${goto 14}${color1}${font Nimbus Sans Light:pixelsize=9}${color5}${top_mem name 5}${color1}${alignc -10}${top_mem mem_res 5}${color2}${alignr}${goto 234}${top_mem mem 5}${color1} %

Last edited by Oblivion7 (2015-09-07 01:51:00)

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. ~Albert Einstein


#2 2015-09-06 20:17:18

Registered: 2015-03-14
Posts: 62

Re: [SOLVED]Conky has the wrong part of my wallpaper behind it....

I see you're using the previous version of conky, and probably not using a composite manager.

The only real differences I'm seeing between my configuration and yours (other than that I use a composite manager instead of the redrawing transparency) is that you don't have the following:

background yes
own_window_class conky

own_window_class should make no difference since 'Conky' is the default anyway, but try both.


#3 2015-09-06 20:26:09

From: Outside your universe.
Registered: 2015-08-29
Posts: 78

Re: [SOLVED]Conky has the wrong part of my wallpaper behind it....

BlueYoshi wrote:

I see you're using the previous version of conky

really? I just got it from pacman.
or is something outdated in conkyrc?

Last edited by Oblivion7 (2015-09-06 20:31:27)

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. ~Albert Einstein


#4 2015-09-06 20:32:53

Registered: 2015-03-14
Posts: 62

Re: [SOLVED]Conky has the wrong part of my wallpaper behind it....

Oblivion7 wrote:
BlueYoshi wrote:

I see you're using the previous version of conky

really? I just got it from pacman.

Current conky uses an lua based configuration, and won't run the older configuration. Try 'pacman -Q conky' and see what version it is.

Last edited by BlueYoshi (2015-09-06 20:33:49)


#5 2015-09-06 20:37:04

From: Outside your universe.
Registered: 2015-08-29
Posts: 78

Re: [SOLVED]Conky has the wrong part of my wallpaper behind it....

BlueYoshi wrote:
Oblivion7 wrote:
BlueYoshi wrote:

I see you're using the previous version of conky

really? I just got it from pacman.

Current conky uses an lua based configuration, and won't run the older configuration. Try 'pacman -Q conky' and see what version it is.

things were updated but not conky

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. ~Albert Einstein


#6 2015-09-06 20:48:21

From: Outside your universe.
Registered: 2015-08-29
Posts: 78

Re: [SOLVED]Conky has the wrong part of my wallpaper behind it....

I downloaded this conky config from the web so i think just the config is outdated?

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. ~Albert Einstein


#7 2015-09-06 20:53:39

Registered: 2015-03-14
Posts: 62

Re: [SOLVED]Conky has the wrong part of my wallpaper behind it....

Oblivion7 wrote:

I downloaded this conky config from the web so i think just the config is outdated?

What version of conky is it? And yes, it is outdated. Conky recently switched to lua based configuration.

Set /usr/share/doc/conky-1.10.0/convert.lua to executable, and run it on your .conkyrc. That should convert it to current syntax.


#8 2015-09-06 20:56:51

From: London
Registered: 2014-02-20
Posts: 7,732

Re: [SOLVED]Conky has the wrong part of my wallpaper behind it....

BlueYoshi wrote:

Set /usr/share/doc/conky-1.10.0/convert.lua to executable, and run it on your .conkyrc. That should convert it to current syntax.

That's not very reliable. … 89#p438189

@OP: You may have to convert it manually.


#9 2015-09-06 20:59:51

From: Outside your universe.
Registered: 2015-08-29
Posts: 78

Re: [SOLVED]Conky has the wrong part of my wallpaper behind it....

Head_on_a_Stick wrote:
BlueYoshi wrote:

Set /usr/share/doc/conky-1.10.0/convert.lua to executable, and run it on your .conkyrc. That should convert it to current syntax.

That's not very reliable. … 89#p438189

@OP: You may have to convert it manually.

I might be out of luck then because I have no idea how to do that hmm

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. ~Albert Einstein


#10 2015-09-06 21:10:09

From: Outside your universe.
Registered: 2015-08-29
Posts: 78

Re: [SOLVED]Conky has the wrong part of my wallpaper behind it....

Head_on_a_Stick wrote:
BlueYoshi wrote:

Set /usr/share/doc/conky-1.10.0/convert.lua to executable, and run it on your .conkyrc. That should convert it to current syntax.

That's not very reliable. … 89#p438189

@OP: You may have to convert it manually.

I made a backup and tired it and this is what it did

conky.config = {
-- Use Xft?
	use_xft = true,
	font = 'Open Sans Light:size=8',
	xftalpha = 0.8,
	text_buffer_size = 2048,
	uppercase = true,

-- Update interval in seconds
	update_interval = 1,

-- This is the number of times Conky will update before quitting.
-- Set to zero to run forever.
	total_run_times = 0,

-- Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
	own_window_type = 'normal',
	own_window = true,
	own_window_transparent = true,
	own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',
--own_window_argb_visual yes
--own_window_argb_value 1

-- Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
	double_buffer = true,

--minimum_size 282

-- Draw shades?
	draw_shades = false,
	default_shade_color = '#000000',
-- Draw outlines?
	draw_outline = false,

-- Draw borders around text
	draw_borders = false,

-- Stippled borders?
	stippled_borders = 0,

-- border margins
--border_inner_margin 30
--border_outer_margin 0
	draw_graph_borders = false,
-- border width
	border_width = 0,

-- Text alignment, other possible values are commented
--alignment top_left
	alignment = 'top_right',
--alignment bottom_left
--alignment bottom_right

-- Gap between borders of screen and text
-- same thing as passing -x at command line
	gap_x = 1,
	gap_y = 150,

--	Distric-Thin			fonts
--	Blue Highway
--	Raleway
--	Zekton
--	Calibri
--	Engebrechtre
--	Opeln2001
--	Open Sans Light
--	Open Sans Light
	imlib_cache_size = 0,

	color1 = '#dcdcdc',
	color2 = '#dcdcdc',
	color3 = '#dcdcdc',
	color4 = '#dcdcdc',
	color5 = '#d64937',
	color6 = '#dcdcdc',
	color7 = '#dcdcdc',

conky.text = [[
${image ~/.conky-weather-icons/background.png -p 0,34 -s 287x682}${image ~/.conky-weather-icons/box.png -p 10,168 -s 267x64}${execi 300 curl -s "" -o ~/.cache/weather.xml}
${color1}${font Open Sans Light:size=42}${alignr 10}${execi 300 grep "yweather:condition" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "temp=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*"}°${font}
${font Nimbus Sans Light:pixelsize=9}${execi 300 cp -f ~/.conky-weather-icons/60x60/$(grep "yweather:condition" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "code=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*").png ~/.cache/weather.png}${image ~/.cache/weather.png -p 8,56 -s 60x60}${color5}
   Currently:${color1}${alignc}${execi 300 grep "yweather:condition" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "text=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*"}${color5}
   Wind:${alignc}${color1}${execi 300 grep "yweather:wind" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "speed=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*"}${execi 300 grep "yweather:units" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "speed=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*"}${color5}
   Humidity:${color1}${alignc}${execi 300 grep "yweather:atmosphere" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "humidity=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*"}%

${color1}${goto 24}${execi 300 grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "high=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==1'}°${execi 300 cp -f ~/.conky-weather-icons/32x32/$(grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "code=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==1').png ~/.cache/weather-1.png}${image ~/.cache/weather-1.png -p 14,190 -s 32x32}${goto 128}${execi 300 grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "high=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==2'}°${execi 300 cp -f ~/.conky-weather-icons/32x32/$(grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "code=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==2').png ~/.cache/weather-2.png}${image ~/.cache/weather-2.png -p 120,190 -s 32x32}${goto 224}${execi 300 grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "high=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==3'}°${execi 300 cp -f ~/.conky-weather-icons/32x32/$(grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "code=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==3').png ~/.cache/weather-3.png}${image ~/.cache/weather-3.png -p 224,190 -s 32x32}

${color4}${goto 60}${execi 300 grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "low=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==1'}°${goto 164}${execi 300 grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "low=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==2'}°${alignr 10}${execi 300 grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "low=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==3'}°
${image ~/.conky-weather-icons/separator.png -p 13,262 -s 263x2}
${color5}${font Nimbus Sans Light:pixelsize=12}${goto 22}${execi 300 grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "day=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==1' | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'}${goto 126}${color1}${execi 300 grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "day=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==2' | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'}${goto 232}${execi 300 grep "yweather:forecast" ~/.cache/weather.xml | grep -o "day=\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "\"[^\"]*\"" | grep -o "[^\"]*" | awk 'NR==3' | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'}${font}

${font Nimbus Sans Light:pixelsize=9}${if_existing /proc/net/route wlan0}
${goto 14}${color1}Up:${color1} ${color3}${upspeed wlan0}${color1}${alignr}${goto 190}${color1}Down:${color1} ${color3}${downspeed wlan0}${color1}
${goto 14}${upspeedgraph wlan0 50,120 d64937 772953}${alignr}${goto 160}${downspeedgraph wlan0 50,120 d64937 772953}
${goto 14}${color1}Sent:${color1} ${color2}${totalup wlan0}${color1}${alignr}${goto 190}${color1}Received:${color1} ${color2}${totaldown wlan0}${color}1
${else}${if_existing /proc/net/route enp4s0}
${goto 14}${color1}Up:${color1} ${color3}${upspeed enp4s0}${color1}${alignr}${goto 190}${color1}Down:${color1} ${color3}${downspeed enp4s0}${color1}
${goto 14}${upspeedgraph enp4s0 50,120 d64937 772953}${alignr}${goto 160}${downspeedgraph enp4s0 50,120 d64937 772953}
${goto 14}${color1}Sent:${color1} ${color2}${totalup enp4s0}${color1}${alignr}${goto 190}${color1}Received:${color1} ${color2}${totaldown enp4s0}${color}1
${else}${if_existing /proc/net/route eth0}
${goto 14}${color1}Up:${color1} ${color3}${upspeed eth0}${color1}${alignr}${goto 190}${color1}Down:${color1} ${color3}${downspeed eth0}${color}
${goto 14}${upspeedgraph eth0 50,120 914141 914141}${alignr}${goto 160}${downspeedgraph eth0 50,120 914141 914141}
${goto 14}${color1}Sent:${color1} ${color2}${totalup eth0}${color1}${alignr}${goto 190}${color1}Received:${color} ${color2}${totaldown eth0}${color1}
${else}${if_existing /proc/net/route eth1}
${goto 14}${color1}Up:${color1} ${color3}${upspeed eth1}${color}${alignr}${goto 190}${color1}Down:${color1} ${color3}${downspeed eth1}${color1}
${goto 14}${upspeedgraph eth1 50,120 914141 914141}${alignr}${goto 160}${downspeedgraph eth1 50,120 914141 914141}
${goto 14}${color1}Sent:${color1} ${color2}${totalup eth1}${color1}${alignr}${goto 190}${color1}Received:${color1} ${color2}${totaldown eth1}${color1}
${else}${if_existing /proc/net/route ppp0}
${goto 14}${color5}Up:${color1} ${color1}${upspeed ppp0}${color}${alignr}${goto 160}${goto 190}${color5}Down:${color1} ${color1}${downspeed ppp0}${color}
${goto 14}${upspeedgraph ppp0 50,120 914141 914141}${alignr}${goto 160}${downspeedgraph ppp0 50,120 914141 914141}
${image ~/.conky-weather-icons/online.png -p 218,138 -s 51x18}
${goto 14}${color5}Sent:${color1} ${color2}${totalup ppp0}${color1}${alignr}${goto 190}${color5}Received:${color1} ${color2}${totaldown ppp0}${color1}
   Network disconnected${image ~/.conky-weather-icons/offline.png -p 218,138 -s 51x18}
${color3}   Connect to a network to see statistics${color1}
${voffset 50}
${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${voffset -15}
${image ~/.conky-weather-icons/separator.png -p 13,388 -s 263x2}
${goto 15}${font Open Sans Light:size=15}Processors/Memory
${goto 14}${color5}${font Nimbus Sans Light:pixelsize=9}CPU 1: ${color1}${alignc}${freq_g 0} ${color1}Ghz ${goto 14}${color2}${alignr}${goto 254}${cpu cpu0}${color1}%
${goto 14}${color5}${font Nimbus Sans Light:pixelsize=9}CPU 2: ${color1}${alignc}${freq_g 1} ${color1}Ghz ${goto 14}${color2}${alignr}${goto 254}${cpu cpu1}${color1}%
${goto 14}${color5}${font Nimbus Sans Light:pixelsize=9}CPU 3: ${color1}${alignc}${freq_g 2} ${color1}Ghz ${color2}${alignr}${goto 254}${cpu cpu2}${color1}%
${goto 14}${color5}${font Nimbus Sans Light:pixelsize=9}CPU 4: ${color1}${alignc}${freq_g 3} ${color1}Ghz ${color2}${alignr}${goto 254}${cpu cpu3}${color1}%
${goto 14}${alignr}${goto 14}${loadgraph 50,266 d64937 772953 -l}
${goto 14}${color5}${font Nimbus Sans Light:pixelsize=9}RAM: ${color1}${alignc 10}${mem}
${goto 14}${color5}${font Nimbus Sans Light:pixelsize=9}TOTAL: ${color1}${alignc 10}${memmax}
${image ~/.conky-weather-icons/separator.png -p 13,592 -s 263x2}
${goto 50}${color1}${font Open Sans Light:size=15}Top Processes
${goto 14}${color1}${font Nimbus Sans Light:pixelsize=9}${color5}${top_mem name 1}${color1}${alignc -10}${top_mem mem_res 1}${color2}${alignr}${goto 234}${top_mem mem 1}${color1} %
${goto 14}${color1}${font Nimbus Sans Light:pixelsize=9}${color5}${top_mem name 2}${color1}${alignc -10}${top_mem mem_res 2}${color2}${alignr}${goto 234}${top_mem mem 2}${color1} %
${goto 14}${color1}${font Nimbus Sans Light:pixelsize=9}${color5}${top_mem name 3}${color1}${alignc -10}${top_mem mem_res 3}${color2}${alignr}${goto 234}${top_mem mem 3}${color1} %
${goto 14}${color1}${font Nimbus Sans Light:pixelsize=9}${color5}${top_mem name 4}${color1}${alignc -10}${top_mem mem_res 4}${color2}${alignr}${goto 234}${top_mem mem 4}${color1} %
${goto 14}${color1}${font Nimbus Sans Light:pixelsize=9}${color5}${top_mem name 5}${color1}${alignc -10}${top_mem mem_res 5}${color2}${alignr}${goto 234}${top_mem mem 5}${color1} %


Not sure if this is right or not.

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. ~Albert Einstein


#11 2015-09-06 21:14:27

From: London
Registered: 2014-02-20
Posts: 7,732

Re: [SOLVED]Conky has the wrong part of my wallpaper behind it....

Run it and find out then.

I can't tell either, my conkyrc runs to a grand total of 8 lines big_smile


#12 2015-09-06 21:16:28

From: Outside your universe.
Registered: 2015-08-29
Posts: 78

Re: [SOLVED]Conky has the wrong part of my wallpaper behind it....

Head_on_a_Stick wrote:

Run it and find out then.

I can't tell either, my conkyrc runs to a grand total of 8 lines big_smile

well its working fine but it still has that weird block that trys to put a part of the background behind it

Last edited by Oblivion7 (2015-09-06 21:16:46)

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. ~Albert Einstein


#13 2015-09-07 01:52:26

From: Outside your universe.
Registered: 2015-08-29
Posts: 78

Re: [SOLVED]Conky has the wrong part of my wallpaper behind it....

Ok I figured it out! So i should have mentioned i was using kde because kde doesn't set a root background so at startup i use setroot to set root backround and it works perfectly!! big_smile

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. ~Albert Einstein


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