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Beam me up Scottie!
I'm giving her all she's got, captain! But the transporter's not gonna work for another six hours.
Live long and prosper.
Hello Everyone from Kyiv, Ukraine !
Hello Everyone, I just installed Arch Linux for the first time.
It took me a whole day to configure the system and to install my favorite programs.
I like the simplicity of Arch.
Now trying to get familiar with the system.
dif tor heh smusma!
("live long and prosper" for those of you who do not speak Vulcan )
PS: hello to everyone!
Hi everybody,
my name is Riccardo, italian, 44 years old.
Still using Windows just for the games partition.
Tried Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Fedora, Arch Linux. I am noob but I love to put my little dirty hands in config files and, especially, learn how to do it.
See you around!
dif tor heh smusma! ("live long and prosper" for those of you who do not speak Vulcan )
We even have Klingon in the Arch Linux wiki. Such a friendly and inclusive community.
Hello everyone! Arch rocks!
Hello Archers.
I have been a Linux user for a while now. Jumping from distro to distro. I was on openSUSE until recently. I was caught off guard by Facebook shutting down third party chat support. So I scoured the internet looking for solutions. One site told me to install a certain package for Pidgin, but it was not available in ymp or rpm just yet (if it ever will be). I don't like having multiple package managers on my machine for stability reasons. Anyway, I found that the necessary packages were in fact available on the AUR. And thats when I decided to make the permanent switch to Arch. I found that now I have 3 chat clients that work with Facebook. I run an older laptop due to not much funds right now. And Arch makes it a breeze to use. I think even when I get a beast of a laptop, Arch will be my OS of choice. Honestly, it was not just chatting that made me switch. It is the incredible availability of software. There is a huge variety. It is a rolling distro, so I dont have to worry about upgrading and loosing all of my data. I also run Kali Linux on another hard drive. I do pen testing as well. I am looking into Black Arch as an alternative due to some issues I ran into with the new Kali Linux. Anyway. I am hoping to get a more powerful laptop very soon so that I can make Arch look even better And even more efficient. I am currently using Plasma 5. In my opinion KDE/Plasma gives the end user the most control over the actual system. Anyway. Loving Arch so far. Dont see myself going to any other distros now. Except for Kali until I can get Black Arch to work.
Hello !
I'm from Argentina and I switched from Debian to Arch in January.
Anyway, I found that the necessary packages were in fact available on the AUR.
I love how I can read about a new software release (Firefox, Steam, LibreOffice...) then go home and find it packaged and ready to be installed.
Hello Archers.
I am looking into Black Arch as an alternative due to some issues I ran into with the new Kali Linux. Except for Kali until I can get Black Arch to work.
You can just add blackarch to your repos in pacman.conf.
I may have to CONSOLE you about your usage of ridiculously easy graphical interfaces...
Look ma, no mouse.
Well, hello everybody.
I'm from Switzerland, 25 and my name is greek ^^.
I'm kind of a poweruser who's going to take an IT-apprenticeship next year, switched to Arch from Ubuntu a short time ago and love it ('til now).
Ever since i use Gnu/Linux, i was lurking this and many other forums, searching for solutions and workarounds fort his and that and learning all the time.
Now I've registered, looking forward to meet nice people, give and take advice and always learn more...
So, see you around.
P.S.: Sorry for my english, i'm working on that too.
welcome to all the new faces
Hey guys,
I'm Geoff from Ibiza, Spain. Been using Mint for a while and thought I'd give Arch a shot. Hopefully I won't be too much of a burden for the community...
See you soon in the newbie forum!
Hi all,
28, Italian, living Switzerland, I have traveled around the globe.
Just subscribed to the forum and getting ready to get my Arch fully working with you guys.
Linux-wise I feel like a newbie even though I have been using Linux for the past 10 years or so... Gentoo, Slackware, (both were my first distros 10 ago !) Fedora, OpenSuse, Kali, Ubuntu, currently have servers running Debian, RPi (Rasbian, Arm Arch very recently for a project) firewalls (pfsense). I currently am doing a bachelor in IT engineering.
I have just recently bought an amazing computer and would love to get it work under Arch and Win8 (I unfortunately needed it for work and games ^^ ).
Looking forward sharing and learning with you all.
Hi all,
Gentoo, Slackware, (both were my first distros 10 ago !) Fedora, OpenSuse, Kali, Ubuntu, currently have servers running Debian, RPi (Rasbian, Arm Arch very recently for a project) firewalls (pfsense).
Just curious, you ran Kali as a full-time desktop?
Hello from Boston.
I switched from Mint to Arch a few months ago and couldn't be happier.
Hi to everyone.
I'm from Indonesia, been using Linux Distributions since 2009.
My first distro was Ubuntu, but then I disliked the default theme and switched to Mint, then Fedora.
Linux Distros really helped me learn a lot about Linux (and Computer Science in general).
I really like the concept of fully-customizable system, so I can choose what to install and what not.
And now I'm here, using Archlinux with XFCE desktop. Thanks a lot for the incredible Wiki! (and also the OS itself of course!).
Nice to see you all
welcome Option7
hi all..
as usual, i use my first post to say hello to all the forum..
italian... living in the deep south, switching from ubuntu..
saluti, Piero.
Hi all, glade to be finaly a Linux user and a Arch one at the same time
Hello from Madrid,
I used to work with Sun Solaris 7 years ago, and now I use Linux for my job, meanwhile I am still learning.
I like coding, open source philosophy and support role.
Looking forward learning with you all.
I'm from the Manjaro corner, had very hard problems with my system after 4 years, so I had to make a complete new installation of it. Uh, many changes appeared, like the new possibility to encrypt the partition with the installation. Of course I wasn't prepared for this, so I had the wrong combination of partitions for this. I had to remain with the old settings, but now I'm warned, for the next time.
But the most important program doesn't work anymore. Ciphershed can't get installed. That's why I'm here. Will place that item as own topic here, in the newbie corner.
Hoping that here are the specialists that can help.
Welcome to the forums George99.
Are you still using Manjaro or have you installed Arch?
If the former then be prepared to not get any technical support here as the forums are for Arch Linux support only.
Greetings, everyone, from Minnesota!
I'm an aspiring programmer using arch as a server environment for personal file access/transfer and email, as well as a remote dev environment in which to take lessons from the "school of hard knocks," as it were. My linux knowledge is very little, I've installed Ubuntu and Mint before as user environments for general web browsing and daily use, back when I had a laptop that struggled with Windows. And I've used Knoppix/Backtrack live CDs to try to recover disks and perform disk backups before, basic IT 101 type stuff. So I'm looking forward to cracking further into the inner workings and getting more comfortable with linux as a whole!
Thank you all for the welcoming environment, I've just posted the first of (what I assume will be) many questions I've had to the Newbie Corner, and I can't wait to become familiar enough to be on the answering side of some of these questions!