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#1 2015-08-18 22:02:51

Registered: 2015-08-02
Posts: 11

AMD ATI Catalyst HD2 3 4 prop. driver versus the open-source driver.

Thanks to Arch my 6 year old HP dv6 laptop with ATI Mob Rad HD4530 has come back from the dead!
Everything I have configured works very well so far! Next is to try out som games. I am an old man but I still like games! From what I have read I need the prop. driver for som half-heavy games? Read 2 guides about it (arch and antergos) and I wonder If somebody knows if it´s worth the effort to downgrade xorg and so on? I have running arch for 2 weeks now so I don´t know so much yet but I am not too afraid to make misstakes.


#2 2015-08-19 00:14:20

From: Serbia
Registered: 2009-03-19
Posts: 753

Re: AMD ATI Catalyst HD2 3 4 prop. driver versus the open-source driver.

It really depends on the game. That Radeon isn't enough to have a decent experience with modern games, simply old. But for some older titles (or games with reasonable hardware requirements), free driver may be just fine, with much less hustle.

I am not a heavy gamer, but free driver works well for games I play.

If you ask me, I'd at least try playing on free driver before starting to mess with Catalyst and downgrades.


#3 2015-08-19 17:26:37

Registered: 2015-08-02
Posts: 11

Re: AMD ATI Catalyst HD2 3 4 prop. driver versus the open-source driver.

Hi and thanks for answer! Yes I know it´s an old computer and everything in it! It is just that it seems so "full of life now" that I almost forgot that it is old! The system on this old HP Pav.Dv6 Dual core is now pretty stable and I have what I need on it. Even KDE-plasma runs smooth! It would be a shame to mess i up! Maybe I should install Arch on my 3 year old MacBookPro 13(just before retina) and play games there instead, but then it has to be installed on a external usb-drive. I will read up on that!


#4 2015-08-19 17:53:00

Registered: 2011-12-06
Posts: 1,981

Re: AMD ATI Catalyst HD2 3 4 prop. driver versus the open-source driver.

I've read that the open-source driver is actually on-par with the speed of the proprietary driver now.  And the open-source driver will give you many fewer headaches such as having to switch to an older server.  As Xabre said, try the actual games you want to play first with the open-source driver and with realistic expectations of how old that card is see if the performance is satisfactory enough for you.  Really though, you'll have much fewer headaches with the open-source driver.


#5 2015-08-19 19:44:59

Registered: 2015-08-02
Posts: 11

Re: AMD ATI Catalyst HD2 3 4 prop. driver versus the open-source driver.

Yes you are right! My system runs quite well now so I will try se if I can run som of my old favorites! I have to set up a couple of emulators like Basilisk II and Sheepshaver and play old Duke3d and Wolf3d! I will also see if I can find some new favorites!


#6 2015-09-12 14:45:48

Registered: 2011-08-14
Posts: 212

Re: AMD ATI Catalyst HD2 3 4 prop. driver versus the open-source driver.

How did it go? Any positive feedback for the open source driver?
This article from Phoronix is quite impressive!


#7 2015-09-12 16:23:28

Registered: 2012-06-03
Posts: 24

Re: AMD ATI Catalyst HD2 3 4 prop. driver versus the open-source driver. an amd user i can say im quiet satisfied with the mesa drivers, plus ive heard that there are many features of modern gpu only supported there...!


#8 2015-09-13 22:26:43

Registered: 2015-08-02
Posts: 11

Re: AMD ATI Catalyst HD2 3 4 prop. driver versus the open-source driver.

Hello again!
ATI/AMD opensource driver is absolutely satisfactory for my old HP Dv6 laptop with mob.rad.hd4530 g.card!!


#9 2015-10-13 23:54:33

Registered: 2015-10-13
Posts: 6

Re: AMD ATI Catalyst HD2 3 4 prop. driver versus the open-source driver.

is there a way to control or set the fan speed using the open source drivers? When ever I tried the open source drivers the fans on my card would make too much noise which is why I always install catalyst.


#10 2015-10-14 07:27:05

Registered: 2011-08-14
Posts: 212

Re: AMD ATI Catalyst HD2 3 4 prop. driver versus the open-source driver.

Did you try this?


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