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Since the BMP split, these two projects came. Audacious came to Arch first, but now BMPx is in the stable repo. I ask, which one is the better project? Which one should I stick with?
"All the world's indeed a stage, And we are merely players.
Each another's audience, Outside the gilded cage."
IMO, bmpx has been adopted by the devs because it uses the latest technology - gstreamer0.10, dbus, musicbrainz etc. This is in line with Arch philosophy and principles.
Personally, I can't give you a comparison, but I use bmpx myself, and I'm happy with it.
Why you want to use BMPx or Audacious if you have amaroK logo as your avatar image? :-)
Well, for me amaroK is really the best audio player ever made, nothing beats him ;-) But if you want something simple and light, then I recommend BMPx.
I've been using audacious... probably partly because I'm maintaining the package in community. When I tried bmpx oh-so-long-ago, it had troubles connecting to dbus, and I didn't feel like debugging it, so I gave up on it for a bit.
Then I found Audacious. It's been a nice little app.
The dbus problems with bmpx have been sorted now.
Why you want to use BMPx or Audacious if you have amaroK logo as your avatar image? :-)
Well, for me amaroK is really the best audio player ever made, nothing beats him ;-) But if you want something simple and light, then I recommend BMPx.
Aye! Indeed it is superior... but I'm doing a musical, so I'm singing through the soundtrack, and I don't want that stuff to be submitted to While indeed I could just disable submission, I'd surely forget. So I kind of like the light, outta-the-way use of audacious while I browst the net (even though when I use amaroK, I usally put it on another desktop. But I think you can understand my intentions.
Thanks! Will swoop up on BMPx.
"All the world's indeed a stage, And we are merely players.
Each another's audience, Outside the gilded cage."
Actually I would recommend audacious if you want something light...
It doesn't have all the nifty media library and stuff but with the installed package it can play almost everything - it's fast and light and doesn't require all the dbus mess...
When I tried to use BMPx I had problems using it with dbus and enabeling my session to use dbus. Also as I posted before I have problem with shoutcast streams with BMPx while audacious does great...
My 2 shekels
As bmpx has more features, I recommend it. It's fairly stable and just works for playing everything.
doesn't require all the dbus mess...
When I tried to use BMPx I had problems using it with dbus and enabeling my session to use dbus. Also as I posted before I have problem with shoutcast streams with BMPx while audacious does great...
My 2 shekels
If you don't want dbus with bmpx, use ABS and disable it.
Shoutcast streams with bmpx, no problem. Well, it's a bit slow adding streams to the playlist, but that will improve in time.
DBUS is not mess, DBUS is really great thing.
audacious seems to have problems with resizing the playlist editor. It looks great though and compares well with xmms and winamp.
I perfer audacious. It's like xmms, updated for y2k.
And I hate gstreamer.
·¬»· i am shadowhand, powered by webfaction
BMPx for life! 8)
Pages: 1