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#1 2015-10-01 15:49:51

Registered: 2015-10-01
Posts: 2

[SOLVED] Dbus does not start xfce4-notfiyd daemon


There is some problems to dbus related applications or daemons of my desktop environment. I use xfce4.

1. dbus does not start notification (xfce4-notifyd) daemon. So, no popup shows even when I adjust the volume or light of screen.
I searched for some possible answers before and found some related information:

➜  ~  cat /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.xfce.xfce4-notifyd.Notifications.service 
[D-BUS Service]

and if I manually execute /usr/lib/xfce4/notifyd/xfce4-notifyd, all notification works properly. But after reboot, this daemon does not start automatically by dbus.

2. I cannot start gnome-terminal, it shows as below:

➜  ~  gnome-terminal 
Error constructing proxy for org.gnome.Terminal:/org/gnome/Terminal/Factory0: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.gnome.Terminal: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildExited: Process org.gnome.Terminal exited with status 1

This seems to be a usual problem and some people encountered this before. But the answers are more about checking the locale. For me, it shows:

➜  ~  localectl status
   System Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8
       VC Keymap: n/a
      X11 Layout: n/a

So it seems the UTF-8 condition is satisfied.

Can anyone help me?

Many Thanks,

Last edited by jetpie (2015-10-02 03:34:24)


#2 2015-10-01 16:37:54

Registered: 2011-10-28
Posts: 506

Re: [SOLVED] Dbus does not start xfce4-notfiyd daemon

See: FS #46374. Make sure your startup scripts source /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/


#3 2015-10-01 17:14:56

Registered: 2015-10-01
Posts: 2

Re: [SOLVED] Dbus does not start xfce4-notfiyd daemon

toz wrote:

See: FS #46374. Make sure your startup scripts source /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/

This exactly solve my problem. Thank you so much toz!


#4 2015-10-15 12:11:22

Registered: 2013-02-04
Posts: 12

Re: [SOLVED] Dbus does not start xfce4-notfiyd daemon

For beginner like me I apply the solution:

Make sure your startup scripts source /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/

by adding the following line

source /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/

into the file


just after the lines

# For now, start with an empty list


#5 2015-10-15 12:50:32

Registered: 2011-10-22
Posts: 1,539

Re: [SOLVED] Dbus does not start xfce4-notfiyd daemon

humhumhum wrote:

by adding the following line

source /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/

into the file


I assume this is because you rely on startxfce4 instead of startx or a DM? You should copy that file to ~/.config/xfce4/ before editing it, or it will be overwritten during the next update. See also


#6 2015-10-17 09:57:35

Registered: 2013-02-04
Posts: 12

Re: [SOLVED] Dbus does not start xfce4-notfiyd daemon

You are rigth, I use startxfce4 and not startx or more exactly  until now :-).

So I came back with the original /etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc (without the source line)
and follow your advice from  ie :
I copied the original /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc under /etc/skel/
changed the end of the copy to run startxfce4 and not twm,xclock,xterm
and finaly copied the skel version under the home of my users.

# cp -p /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc /etc/skel/.xinitrc
#  vi etc/skel/.xinitrc
# diff /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc /etc/skel/.xinitrc
< twm &
< xclock -geometry 50x50-1+1 &
< xterm -geometry 80x50+494+51 &
< xterm -geometry 80x20+494-0 &
< exec xterm -geometry 80x66+0+0 -name login
> #twm &
> #xclock -geometry 50x50-1+1 &
> #xterm -geometry 80x50+494+51 &
> #xterm -geometry 80x20+494-0 &
> #exec xterm -geometry 80x66+0+0 -name login
> exec startxfce4
# for user in bob helen violet dash jack  ; do cp -p /etc/skel/.xinitrc /home/${user}/.xinitrc; done

and now if I run startx (and no more startxfce4) to start my Xfce session the notification works.
And  "la cerise sur le gateau", on the other VTs with an another user I can start an another X session with startx while startxfce4 failed.

A big Thank to you Raynman.

Last edited by humhumhum (2015-10-17 10:05:05)


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