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Pretty much default.
Windows theme: Breeze
Plasma Theme: Breeze Dark
Colors: Breeze LightTitlebar
Picture in bottom right: Kanoe Yuuko using feh since picture frame widget is not present in Plasma 5
About music: Death to the Stormcloaks!
Dude, where did you get your menu-start arch logo icon?, want it XD, would you share it? :B
Dude, where did you get your menu-start arch logo icon?, want it XD, would you share it? :B
fxlgore wrote:Dude, where did you get your menu-start arch logo icon?, want it XD, would you share it? :B
Hahaha ooh damn it, my newbie form attacked, thanks dude
thats a nice setup
bspwm with a Lemonbar that only show workspaces in the middle monitor (bottom). Two scripts that shows the time and the title of the window, activated with the keyboard. Pidgin to left, Firefox in the middle. Also a picture I took when I was in New York, yey!
Last edited by kaptenen (2015-10-21 16:18:25)
hey chamber what font are you using.
Some fresh base16-mocha to warm up my mornings. lemonbar-xft-git, archey3, sakura (terminal), ncmpcpp, Neovim, compton for compositing.
Hey flannelhead, how did you get lemonbar to work? I installed it now but I couldn't figure out what to feed it in order to work.
Your dotfiles don't include nothing on lemonbar yet, care to shed me some light? Thanks man!
Hey flannelhead, how did you get lemonbar to work? I installed it now but I couldn't figure out what to feed it in order to work.
Your dotfiles don't include nothing on lemonbar yet, care to shed me some light? Thanks man!
There's a pretty nice example of a simple sh-based lemonbar script in the bspwm repo. I originally used that as a basis but have since rewritten the status script in JavaScript running on Node.js (see the panel folder in my dotfiles). Furthermore, please consult `man lemonbar` for the complete set of formatting options you can use when generating the status line. It can be a bit cumbersome at first, but the beauty lies in the fact you can use just any language you know to generate the statusline.
Btw, I really dig all the Gnome scrots on this page!
E: wording
Last edited by flannelhead (2015-10-24 13:37:28)
Had a tough month, almost no changes in my config, still need to finish/refine the icons in the systray:
KDE Plasma5 running BE::Shell (kdelibs4 version still)
BE::Shell Preset: An unreleased mod of Pandora (the sidebar & dockbar are part of the conf)
Qt Style & Kwin decoration: DSP
Icons: Breeze + flat.icns
Fonts: Helvetica Neue, Comme, Source Code Pro
Apps on screen: feh, konversation, konsole, dfm
Using the Numix theme from the AUR.
And the Numix icon theme as well.
Wallpaper is found here.