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My window manager is Evilwm and I am running Skype. If I close the Skype window (the one w/ my buddies listed) the window closes but Skype is still running in memory. On another window manager like Openbox a small Skype icon sits in the taskbar as long as it is running. If I want to start Skype to see who is online I simply click the icon in the taskbar.
Now, the question is...How can I start skype from the command line while it is running in the background?
Evilwm doesn't have any taskbar or tray thingie...
Any ideas?
Any advice is appreciated!
nedson :?:
killall skype && skype &
I have no idea if evilwm have a tray thingie but the command is the one above
Does this kill the version of Skype thats running and simply restart skype again?
yes, that's exactly what above command does
Thats what I thought...
What I wanted to do was call Skype from memory. Under Evilwm I can close a window with ctrl-alt-x (using a hacked version of EvilWm) . After cloasing the window with this method, skype is still running in memory (I can see it when running ps aux). How can I call it out of memory? I don't want to stop the program, start it back up and re login. I just simply want to call it from the background...
Any ideas?
as far as i know u can do things like this when they are registered as dcop programs , but i think skype does not have this stuff :?
but hey maybe there just that i dont know how :S
May be that you do not want to do the following, anyway consider that you can use a standalone system tray (without anything else, extremely lightweight, just sit in an angle of your screen and you can configure it so that you see it only when ther is something):
pacman -S trayer
I use it with pekwm
Mortuus in anima, curam gero cutis
Thanks for the idea
Didn't know about trayer...seems like a good solution.