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The Echo Bible Reader (echobible) is a bible reader written in shell script (GNU Bash) for the command line interface; echobible writes the text of the bible to stdout verse by verse (or by multiple verses at a time). The functionality is interactively driven by hotkeys. For example, the down arrow key writes the next verse to stdout. However, more useful methods of accessing and manipulating the text have been implemented.
* Concordance
* Dictionary
* Annotation
* Bookmarks
* Quickmarks
* Highlight
* Underline
* Go to any verse/chapter/book quickly, with a single command
* Text-To-Speech
* Autoverse (automatically advance verses)
* Search (words or phrases)
* Print verse(s)/chapter(s)/book(s)/bible to less/file/printer
For additional documentation, see accompanying text files in the git repository.
AUR page:
Project page:
Clone the git repository:
git clone
Last edited by jpolcol (2014-05-15 04:33:34)
Welcome to Arch Linux. You might consider writing an PKGBUILD for this. That would put it in our AUR.
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way
DWMBible --- nice
Scripted it for use with dmenu, thank you for this
Para todos todo, para nosotros nada
Thanks. I will do a pkgbuild soon.
I plan on adding more bibles. I'm looking for any free bible texts that can be formatted and distributed with the program. If anyone knows of any, please let me know.
Your welcome Head_on_a_Stick. How did you script it with dmenu?? I use dmenu and dwm quite a bit.
If anyone knows of any, please let me know. … ype=Bibles
I *believe* that all that are listed here are in the public domain or free to use and redistribute.
Thanks. I will do a pkgbuild soon.
I plan on adding more bibles. I'm looking for any free bible texts that can be formatted and distributed with the program. If anyone knows of any, please let me know.
Your welcome Head_on_a_Stick. How did you script it with dmenu?? I use dmenu and dwm quite a bit.
I just created an executable /usr/bin/bible file:
cd /home/empty/echobible
exec urxvtc -e ./echobible
It shows up in dmenu as "bible" & opens up an rxvt-unicode client window with your program in it
EDIT: in my case the username is "empty" & the shell is zsh
Last edited by Head_on_a_Stick (2014-05-14 22:04:21)
Para todos todo, para nosotros nada
Thanks for the link skottish. That'll keep me busy!
Very nice Head_on_a_Stick! I'll be releasing a dmenu based RSS reader... hopefully soon. I think you'll like it.
Thanks for the link skottish. That'll keep me busy!
You're welcome. Happy coding!
echobible is now on the AUR:
Is anyone else getting this warning during build:
==> WARNING: Using existing src/ tree
Is anyone else getting this warning during build:
==> WARNING: Using existing src/ tree
I've run 'makepkg -s' to build it and now if I built it with 'makepkg -es'
$ makepkg -se
==> Making package: echobible-git r7.2ad322c-1 (Fri May 16 01:07:30 CEST 2014)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> WARNING: Using existing src/ tree
==> Removing existing pkg/ directory...
==> Entering fakeroot environment...
==> Starting package()...
==> Tidying install...
-> Purging unwanted files...
-> Removing libtool files...
-> Removing static library files...
-> Compressing man and info pages...
-> Stripping unneeded symbols from binaries and libraries...
==> Creating package "echobible-git"...
-> Generating .PKGINFO file...
-> Generating .MTREE file...
-> Compressing package...
==> Leaving fakeroot environment.
==> Finished making: echobible-git r7.2ad322c-1 (Fri May 16 01:07:33 CEST 2014)
I'm reusing the source I've already downloaded (cloned).
This is excellent! Thank you!
This is one of the coolest projects I have seen!
The difference between reality and fiction is that fiction has to make sense.
Hmm... that print option looks espcecially interesting. If it separates verses with newline and can be ran noninreractively, one could pipe it into dmenu/pmenu and open selected verse in echobible. Piping whole bible maybe too slow, but single books should be okay. One could make another menu to choose book. Maybe call it dbiblemenu... or something.
The difference between reality and fiction is that fiction has to make sense.
Hi!! Nice app.... I've this issue:
/usr/bin/echobible: 962: /usr/bin/echobible: Syntax error: Bad for loop variable
Can you help me? Thanks for your work
Is your /bin/sh linked to bash or do you perhaps have dash installed and your /bin/sh pointing to dash?