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I am trying to learn opengl c++.
While compilation runs fine without any warning.
I am having issues while running the program. If required, i can upload source completely if required.
It segfaults at
m_program = glCreateProgram();
Full code in below link
I am stuck in this for 2 days
Any help is appreciated.
Last edited by Debasish Patra (2015-11-28 05:07:50)
Keep Calm, And Enjoy Life
I don't mean to be rude, but people online aren't going to want to help you if you ask questions in this way .
You need to:
1) Upload all of the relevant source code (including your header) so that we have a chance to look at it,
2) Show that you've made a real effort to analyze the crash (you can't just say it segfaults), and
3) Never mention how much time you've spent on a problem! This is seen as an attempt to make others feel pity for you, even if that isn't your intention.
Pages: 1