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I would like to share some console colors.
This is a 3 step process.
1) Run this script: download script
# Original:
# Modified by Aaron Griffin
FGNAMES=(' black' ' red' ' green' 'yellow' ' blue' 'magnta' ' cyan' ' white')
for b in $(seq 0 7); do
echo -en "33[0m ${BGNAMES[$b]} :: "
for f in $(seq 0 7); do
echo -en "33[${bg}m33[$(($f+30))m ${FGNAMES[$f]} "
echo -en "33[0mn33[0m :: "
for f in $(seq 0 7); do
echo -en "33[${bg}m33[1;$(($f+30))m ${FGNAMES[$f]} "
echo -e "33[0m"
if [ "$b" -lt 7 ]; then
echo " -------------------------------------------------------------------"
2) Check that no one else has the same colors, then take a screenshot (same format of the monthly screenshot thread, kthx)
3) Post your .Xdefaults colors too
urxvt*foreground: #EFEFEF
urxvt*background: #000000
! Black + DarkGrey
urxvt*color0: #000000
urxvt*color8: #666666
! DarkRed + Red
urxvt*color1: #b45151
urxvt*color9: #fe8686
! DarkGreen + Green
urxvt*color2: #aece92
urxvt*color10: #97fa97
! DarkYellow + Yellow
urxvt*color3: Khaki3
urxvt*color11: #efe58b
! DarkBlue + Blue
urxvt*color4: #2797d8
urxvt*color12: #86cdea
! DarkMangenta + Mangenta
urxvt*color5: #aa6eaf
urxvt*color13: #cb96ce
!DarkCyan + Cyan
urxvt*color6: #418179
urxvt*color14: #71bebe
! LightGrey + White
urxvt*color7: #bebebe
urxvt*color15: #ffffff
I think those were rezza's...
You get the idea though. Go forth and share one more way to make your linux look sexy.
Too lazy to make a thumbnail and all that.
Hooray for rezza's colors (mostly the same as omp): … 201739.png
.Xdefaults? Nah - this is Eterm, so here's the relevant part of the theme config:
begin color
foreground #aaaaaa
background black
cursor #ffff00
cursor_text #880000
pointer white
video normal
color 0 #000000
color 1 #9e1828
color 2 #aece91
color 3 #968a38
color 4 #414171
color 5 #963c59
color 6 #418179
color 7 #bebebe
color 8 #666666
color 9 #cf6171
color 10 #c5f779
color 11 #fff796
color 12 #4186be
color 13 #cf9ebe
color 14 #71bebe
color 15 #ffffff
color bd #ffffff
color ul #ffffff
end color
Can't remember where I got them.
Ok, I'm new to linux, what are you using to show your info at the bottom of your console? Date, time, etc.? Also the lines that go accross the screen, etc.
man screen
I'm using an application called screen which is a terminal multiplexer. Basically, instead of having tabs/multiple urxvt instances, I use screen. It's my #2 used linux app, behind ZSH.
The lines going accross are part of my 2 line prompt. Some people don't like it, but I think it helps me compartmentalize the output I see on a large terminal like I usually run.
stingray wrote:Ok, I'm new to linux, what are you using to show your info at the bottom of your console? Date, time, etc.? Also the lines that go accross the screen, etc.
man screen
I'm using an application called screen which is a terminal multiplexer. Basically, instead of having tabs/multiple urxvt instances, I use screen. It's my #2 used linux app, behind ZSH.
The lines going accross are part of my 2 line prompt. Some people don't like it, but I think it helps me compartmentalize the output I see on a large terminal like I usually run.
Wow, screen looks impressive, I think I'll play with it some. As a starting point, would you mind posting your screenrc file or whaterver you use to set it up. I'm reading throuhg the man pages, it's a little overwhelming... Thanks for your help!
Read this:
It's *the best* screen tutorial I know of.
After a little internet digging, I've found some new colors.
*background: black
*foreground: gray
*cursorColor: yellow
*color0: black
*color1: #9e1828
*color2: #aece92
*color3: #968a38
*color4: #414171
*color5: #963c59
*color6: #418179
*color7: gray
*color8: gray40
*color9: #cf6171
*color10: #c5f779
*color11: #fff796
*color12: #4186be
*color13: #cf9ebe
*color14: #71bebe
*color15: white
They might be rasterman, but it doesn't look the same to me. One thing you'll notice is the cursor color. On a dark terminal, I've found it nice to have a glaring yellow cursor, especially in vim when I seem to lose track of it.
Read this:'s *the best* screen tutorial I know of.
Hey, thanks, that helped! I like it!
rasterman! That's it - thanks codemac. I've been trying to remember that since I posted above. Here's the link I used.
this is a better version of my last shot:
The previous shot had a goofy dark grey going on for thew bold white...
Thanks phrakture, now I hate my colors. I liked my colors, until I ran the colortest thing and realized my colors were all goofy. Now I have to re-theme everything because my colors are right.
Sigh. It's a cruel world.
·¬»· i am shadowhand, powered by webfaction
Huh, i didn't know screen was capable of that, and ...Damnit, I was comfortable with my set up...
Okay, I need a little help on this one. I've never attempted to change my colors before and can't get it working right. I use Xfce's Terminal, and thus don't know which style of config I really need. I tried using the Xterm style, and then did <code>xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults</code> to try and load them, but ran across an error:
Predefined macro file '/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.0.3/include/mcpp_gcc40_predef_old.h' is not found
So I figured I'd ignore that and just restart X, but that also had no effect. Anything obvious I'm missing? Also, is there a way to change the colors on the regular command line when you're not in X?
I use Xfce's Terminal
its in the preference under colors.
! Black + DarkGrey
URxvt*color0: #000000
URxvt*color8: #757575
! DarkRed + Red
URxvt*color1: #C95B5B
URxvt*color9: #E35A5A
! DarkGreen + Green
URxvt*color2: #65A160
URxvt*color10: #7FE177
! DarkYellow + Yellow
URxvt*color3: #D5D370
URxvt*color11: #FFFEC2
! DarkBlue + Blue
URxvt*color4: #5C85B0
URxvt*color12: #4B9BF2
! DarkMangenta + Mangenta
URxvt*color5: #AA6EAF
URxvt*color13: #E1A2E5
!DarkCyan + Cyan
URxvt*color6: #409A9A
URxvt*color14: #4CD0D0
! LightGrey + White
URxvt*color7: #F0F0F0
URxvt*color15: #FDFDFD
TomE: Nice color display, you cheater! I'm just confused by what "gYw" means.
Nice colors though.
I'm just confused by what "gYw" means.
No idea its something i found no the internet
T='gYw' # The test text
echo -e "n 40m 41m 42m 43m
44m 45m 46m 47m";
for FGs in ' m' ' 1m' ' 30m' '1;30m' ' 31m' '1;31m' ' 32m'
'1;32m' ' 33m' '1;33m' ' 34m' '1;34m' ' 35m' '1;35m'
' 36m' '1;36m' ' 37m' '1;37m';
do FG=${FGs// /}
echo -en " $FGs 33[$FG $T "
for BG in 40m 41m 42m 43m 44m 45m 46m 47m;
do echo -en "$EINS 33[$FG33[$BG $T 33[0m";
you could change it anything.
T=color, T=foo, T=Squirlino
elasticdog wrote:I use Xfce's Terminal
its in the preference under colors.
Doh! I was missing something obvious...thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
I've made a tweaked combination of a lot of the configs posted so far:
...these are the colors, but no .Xdefaults since I'm using Xfce's Terminal:
BLK #000000
RED #9C1829
GRN #608132
YEL #AA9943
BLU #324C80
MAG #943C5A
CYN #42827B
What font are you using in console elasticdog ?
What font are you using in console elasticdog ?
Terminus, it's in the community repo under <code>terminus-font</code>.
Better late than never I guess
urxvt*foreground: white
urxvt*background: black
urxvt*color0: #000000
urxvt*color8: #646464
urxvt*color1: #cd0000
urxvt*color9: #ee0000
urxvt*color2: #458b00
urxvt*color10: #66cd00
urxvt*color3: #eec900
urxvt*color11: #ffd700
urxvt*color4: #4169e1
urxvt*color12: #6495ed
urxvt*color5: #8b1c62
urxvt*color13: #cd2990
urxvt*color6: #00a6ac
urxvt*color14: #00c5cd
urxvt*color7: #c8c8c8
urxvt*color15: #ffffff
¿how can one change the colors of the console? (teh one I'm most interested in changing is red wich I find quite...pale) I use gensplash, if that helps