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#26 2015-12-14 16:57:17

Registered: 2015-11-20
Posts: 8

Re: [CLOSED] Lenovo Yoga 900 trackpad not detected

I just tried on Kubuntu 15.10 the patched kernel 4.4-rc5. It works without problems (beside the known standby issue). I was not able to upload the .deb (any advice of an appropriate server?). But I followed the procedure (referd by nutso_futso in post #12) … ux-kernel/ . I just made the touchpad patch. I skipped the menuconfig and simple choose the defaults when asked for (the result could be find here: The only problem I run in was a warning: W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/skl_guc_ver4.bin for module i915. I installed the requested firmware (from the parallel Arch installation, but could be also found in the internet).

Hope this helps to get your Yoga 900 up and running


#27 2015-12-15 20:03:14

Registered: 2015-11-21
Posts: 11

Re: [CLOSED] Lenovo Yoga 900 trackpad not detected


Yay!!    I invested some time to compile some new kernels and got it working on first try:

I can confirm Tom-1234's Kernel ".config" of post #26 works!

Just compiled it and my Kernel recognizes both, touchscreen and touchpad. Amazing smile

Touchpad in gdm works out of the box. To make the touchpad work in cinnamon I needed to install xf86-input-synaptics:

pacman -S xf86-input-synaptics

and then create the config file "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf":

Section "InputClass"
        Identifier "touchpad catchall"
        Driver "synaptics"
        MatchIsTouchpad "on"
              Option "TapButton1" "1"
              Option "TapButton2" "2"
              Option "TapButton3" "3"

Compare: … ad_Treiber


Some additional resources:

Not working Kernel configuration (badconfig):

Working Kernel configuration (goodconfig):

diff badconfig goodconfig (Didn't look at it in detail yet):

dmesg | grep -i i2c gives me nothing at the moment.

But dmesg itself reveals a lot of Spam when I move my mouse (regardless if touchpad or mouse):

[  702.925364] evbug: Event. Dev: input3, Type: 1, Code: 23, Value: 1
[  702.925365] evbug: Event. Dev: input3, Type: 0, Code: 0, Value: 0
[  703.111402] evbug: Event. Dev: input3, Type: 4, Code: 4, Value: 25
[  703.111405] evbug: Event. Dev: input3, Type: 1, Code: 25, Value: 1
[  703.111406] evbug: Event. Dev: input3, Type: 0, Code: 0, Value: 0
[  703.227421] evbug: Event. Dev: input3, Type: 4, Code: 4, Value: 57
[  703.227425] evbug: Event. Dev: input3, Type: 1, Code: 57, Value: 1
[  703.227426] evbug: Event. Dev: input3, Type: 0, Code: 0, Value: 0
[  703.238138] evbug: Event. Dev: input3, Type: 4, Code: 4, Value: 23
[  703.238159] evbug: Event. Dev: input3, Type: 1, Code: 23, Value: 0
[  703.238160] evbug: Event. Dev: input3, Type: 0, Code: 0, Value: 0
[  703.314844] evbug: Event. Dev: input3, Type: 4, Code: 4, Value: 25
[  703.314864] evbug: Event. Dev: input3, Type: 1, Code: 25, Value: 0
[  703.314865] evbug: Event. Dev: input3, Type: 0, Code: 0, Value: 0
[  703.343107] evbug: Event. Dev: input3, Type: 4, Code: 4, Value: 30
[  703.343127] evbug: Event. Dev: input3, Type: 1, Code: 30, Value: 1
[  703.343128] evbug: Event. Dev: input3, Type: 0, Code: 0, Value: 0
[  703.376257] evbug: Event. Dev: input3, Type: 4, Code: 4, Value: 57
[  703.376278] evbug: Event. Dev: input3, Type: 1, Code: 57, Value: 0
[  703.376279] evbug: Event. Dev: input3, Type: 0, Code: 0, Value: 0
[  703.434657] evbug: Event. Dev: input3, Type: 4, Code: 4, Value: 28
[  703.434678] evbug: Event. Dev: input3, Type: 1, Code: 28, Value: 1
[  703.434679] evbug: Event. Dev: input3, Type: 0, Code: 0, Value: 0
[  703.466687] evbug: Event. Dev: input3, Type: 4, Code: 4, Value: 30
[  703.466709] evbug: Event. Dev: input3, Type: 1, Code: 30, Value: 0
[  703.466711] evbug: Event. Dev: input3, Type: 0, Code: 0, Value: 0
[  703.653113] evbug: Event. Dev: input3, Type: 4, Code: 4, Value: 28
[  703.653134] evbug: Event. Dev: input3, Type: 1, Code: 28, Value: 0
[  703.653135] evbug: Event. Dev: input3, Type: 0, Code: 0, Value: 0

Don't know if this verbosity is okay or should not be. Tending to the last one.

Really nice we got it working. Thanks to everyone. I stay tuned for additional questions.
@nir: Would like to hear if it also works for you.



Last edited by DonRichie (2015-12-15 20:04:33)


#28 2015-12-16 18:56:16

Registered: 2015-12-16
Posts: 4

Re: [CLOSED] Lenovo Yoga 900 trackpad not detected

I installed the RC5 kernel from the Ubuntu kernel ppa and the trackpad and touchscreen still aren't enabled. (sorry, I know this is an Arch forum, but please be kind to an Ubuntu user) … 4-rc5.html

I'm hoping that RC6 will fix the problem, but I'd be happy to know what to change in the kernel if there are any ideas. I looked through the source and it already includes the dev->sda_hold_time = 30; line.

Here's my dmesg output:

Last edited by ajbogh (2015-12-16 19:00:58)


#29 2015-12-16 19:51:31

Registered: 2015-12-15
Posts: 2

Re: [CLOSED] Lenovo Yoga 900 trackpad not detected

Dumb question but how are you folks downloading AURs and/or kernel sources to patch the wifi problem when you don't have working wifi? wink Are you building or downloading the new kernel on another machine or VM and then copying the resulting kernel onto your Yoga via USB or something? If so, could you clarify which files you're copying where?

I thought I was smart to use my USB Alfa wifi card to get online for this purpose but I haven't been able to get that to work either. I'll try again tonight.


#30 2015-12-16 20:45:07

Registered: 2015-12-16
Posts: 4

Re: [CLOSED] Lenovo Yoga 900 trackpad not detected

@mochaMan - I followed the instructions in this comment and then downloaded 4.4rc4 which fixed the bug with the Wifi. I also have a USB Ethernet dongle from Best Buy which helps.

Last edited by ajbogh (2015-12-16 20:48:18)


#31 2015-12-16 20:56:53

Registered: 2015-11-21
Posts: 11

Re: [CLOSED] Lenovo Yoga 900 trackpad not detected

Hey MochaMan,

I own an USB 3.0 to RJ45 Adapter through which I can connect to the Internet until W-LAN works.

But you could also copy all necessary packages via USB-Stick from an other ARCH machine.

Possible ways to obtain the packages are:
1. Directly over the ARCH Repo Webinterface
2. On an other ARCH system in this directory:

If your ARCH is already installed you can use my kernel if you trust me enough:

Copy both files to your Yoga via USB and save them under /boot .
After that you need to tell your bootloader where to find them (Refer to ARCH Beginners guide)




#32 2015-12-17 00:36:07

Registered: 2015-12-15
Posts: 2

Re: [CLOSED] Lenovo Yoga 900 trackpad not detected

Thanks @ajbogh and @DonRichie for the suggestion of using a USB ethernet dongle. I think this is smarter than fighting with a USB card which may or may not have built in support and some of the added complexity of configuring the network for wifi. I'll pick up one of these dongles and try that approach tonight or tomorrow maybe in combination with transferring via USB the copy of the 4.4 kernel you posted Don. I assume this is just the vanilla 4.4-rc5 kernel or does this include some patches discussed in this thread?


#33 2015-12-17 10:05:54

Registered: 2015-11-21
Posts: 11

Re: [CLOSED] Lenovo Yoga 900 trackpad not detected

The only chance I made was

dev->sda_hold_time = 30;



near line 113.

Don't know if it is necessary since the newest kernel development, but it works!
Besides that it is a vanilla 4.4-rc5 Kernel with the posted ".config"


#34 2015-12-17 14:30:09

Registered: 2015-12-16
Posts: 4

Re: [CLOSED] Lenovo Yoga 900 trackpad not detected

Thanks for mentioning that change. I swear I downloaded rc5 and the change was already in there but I double-checked on github and it's certainly not there in the rc5 tag. I'll download the repository again and recompile.


#35 2015-12-18 18:06:15

Registered: 2015-12-10
Posts: 3

Re: [CLOSED] Lenovo Yoga 900 trackpad not detected

Follow-on to my previous post, with only a few additions to the full series referred to earlier ( which is needed for touchscreen / touchpad (the sda_hold_time patch people are referring to is a one-off hack that will never be merged upstream, just FYI, while this 16-patch series is intended for 4.5), I have working screen auto-rotation & touchpad suspend/resume.

1) auto-rotation:

Note you will need userspace support from iio-sensor-proxy and Gnome 3.18 or later.

Also note that while running `watch -n 0.1 cat /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio\:device*/*raw*`, I noticed for a while that my sensors weren't updating at all. I'm not sure what changed, but it's possible that using `lsiio` from git:// "unstuck" the sensors.

2) … 02276.html

This is a temporary patch to fix a race in the reset path for the touchpad. The eventual upstream patch will probably actually resolve the race, but this patch is sufficient for now.

I am running both patches on top of the latest upstream git tree (and using the base Ubuntu .config for now, even though it's huge).

Note that I'm also able to drive two external displays using the Dell D3100 USB hub over the USB-C port after installing the evdi driver from (I'm currently running 1.0.138, but I see that 1.0.335 is out and will update today).


Last edited by nacc (2015-12-18 20:12:53)


#36 2015-12-21 16:01:00

Registered: 2015-12-20
Posts: 3

Re: [CLOSED] Lenovo Yoga 900 trackpad not detected

thanks to @Tom-1234 and to all you guys, finally it works for me. I am really happy ...


#37 2015-12-21 18:29:56

Registered: 2015-12-21
Posts: 5

Re: [CLOSED] Lenovo Yoga 900 trackpad not detected


Sorry for the following newbie question, but I am still unable to make everything work.

I just installed a raw Debian without graphic environment and follow the instruction here, download and install kernel 4.4-rc5 and added the following line:

dev->sda_hold_time = 30;

after compiling & installing I was able to connect to internet and I thought the Video driver was Ok as the resolution is really high (this was not before the new kernel installation).

Unfortunately, after installing X and i3 when I run


I get the following error:

(EE) no screens found(EE)

I have added the parameter:


following this instructions: … -parameter

What can I be missing?
Any tip is appreciated.

Thank in advance.


#38 2015-12-21 18:44:38

Registered: 2015-11-21
Posts: 11

Re: [CLOSED] Lenovo Yoga 900 trackpad not detected

Did you install the graphics card driver for your model?

The kernel parameter isn't necessary anymore since kernel 4.4.0-rc4.
Verify the correct kernel is active with

uname -a


#39 2015-12-21 18:48:35

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 20,340

Re: [CLOSED] Lenovo Yoga 900 trackpad not detected

Mictian, Welcome to the Arch Linux Forums.

Unfortunately, we are not going to be able to help you with a Debian system.  The configurations are different.
Debian has an excellent community and active forums.  I am not certain why you are turning to Arch and Ubuntu for assistance.
You are welcome here even though we cannot help with Debian.

Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way


#40 2015-12-21 19:07:58

Registered: 2015-12-21
Posts: 5

Re: [CLOSED] Lenovo Yoga 900 trackpad not detected

Hi guys

yeap: Linux mictain 4.4.0-rc5 #1SMP Mon Dec.....

Sorry to bother here with this issue, it's just that I couldn't find any debian forum that actually make the Yoga 900 work.


Last edited by mictian (2015-12-21 19:15:45)


#41 2015-12-21 20:48:09

Registered: 2015-11-21
Posts: 11

Re: [CLOSED] Lenovo Yoga 900 trackpad not detected


Okay, if the correct driver is installed and the kernel is loaded correctly:
I would recomment you try the kernel config I posted in post #27 and recompile your kernel.
Maybe you are interested in my kernel I posted in post #31

And be sure you have installed the driver package:
The matching debian package for the intel driver should be "xserver-xorg-video-intel".

Then it should work as well on debian as it does on arch.

Also consider trying out Arch (◉ ͜ʖ◉)


#42 2015-12-21 21:42:47

Registered: 2015-12-21
Posts: 5

Re: [CLOSED] Lenovo Yoga 900 trackpad not detected

Hi @DonRichie

First of all, thank you very much for your help. I was not able to make it work.
(the config from post #27 throw me an error regarding the lack of an opensslv.o file)

So I will take a big breath and try installing Arch.

I will let you know...


#43 2015-12-21 21:47:02

Registered: 2015-11-21
Posts: 11

Re: [CLOSED] Lenovo Yoga 900 trackpad not detected

The openssl error sounds like you miss the openssl library which is necessary for compiling the kernel.

Here, fast. Before the arch mods see I am helping you with debian:

sudo apt-get install libssl-dev

Last edited by DonRichie (2015-12-21 21:48:09)


#44 2015-12-23 00:19:26

Registered: 2015-12-21
Posts: 5

Re: [CLOSED] Lenovo Yoga 900 trackpad not detected

lol big_smile
I was able to make the video work by updating to the last version of X, which convince me to install an Ubuntu or even .... Arch!
Anyway your suggestion was totally correct, libssl-dev mas missing.

Unfortunately now I dont have touchpad :S which reinforce the idea to test Ubuntu or Arch.
So I'll try with these distros and forget a bit about Debian.

I don't want to sound repetitive but thank you very much.


#45 2015-12-23 14:27:18

Registered: 2015-12-23
Posts: 2

Re: [CLOSED] Lenovo Yoga 900 trackpad not detected

Any idea what else could have un-stuck your sensors? Some of mine are still stuck, even after lsiio. Speaking of which, does your lsiio also segfault when run with option '-v'? I'm currently running 4.4.0-rc6 with 4 patches, the three you mentioned and one I did myself to get it to compile, but some sensors refuse to give me anything but 0.

Don't worry, this does not seem to be Debian's fault. And before someone complains, I have several dists running on mine, plan to try Android next. smile
Anyway, stock Debian unstable install with kernel 4.4.0-rc4 and upwards gives you touchpad without any need to patch kernel.


#46 2015-12-23 19:12:27

Registered: 2015-12-21
Posts: 5

Re: [CLOSED] Lenovo Yoga 900 trackpad not detected

Hi Guys

Finally I was able to make everything work!! Wiiii
I end it up installing Ubuntu Server 15.10 (if you wander why not desktop is because I prefer i3 as wm), with the kernel 4.4-rc5, the .config of the post #27 (thanks @DonRichie), the only patch that I applied was the one for i2c (touchpad). With this, everything works like a charm (even the touch screen with i3 tongue hehe) !

Even sid has old version of some packages (X, firmware, kernel, etc, etc) I think that from now on I will use Ubuntu.

Thanks you all!


#47 2015-12-24 05:44:13

Registered: 2015-12-10
Posts: 3

Re: [CLOSED] Lenovo Yoga 900 trackpad not detected

feivel wrote:

Any idea what else could have un-stuck your sensors? Some of mine are still stuck, even after lsiio. Speaking of which, does your lsiio also segfault when run with option '-v'? I'm currently running 4.4.0-rc6 with 4 patches, the three you mentioned and one I did myself to get it to compile, but some sensors refuse to give me anything but 0.

Another user and I are working with the upstream Intel developer in this area, it seems like there might be a ACPI power management issue in this area. Sometimes, after suspend/resume, it worked for me. But eventually it stops. So unfortunately not sure there is a full fix for the rotation yet (but I will post here when there is).



#48 2015-12-25 09:15:57

Registered: 2015-12-23
Posts: 2

Re: [CLOSED] Lenovo Yoga 900 trackpad not detected

nacc wrote:

Another user and I are working with the upstream Intel developer in this area, it seems like there might be a ACPI power management issue in this area. Sometimes, after suspend/resume, it worked for me. But eventually it stops. So unfortunately not sure there is a full fix for the rotation yet (but I will post here when there is).

I guess that other user is me. smile

Should have checked the name first.



#49 2015-12-28 01:02:39

Registered: 2015-12-16
Posts: 4

Re: [CLOSED] Lenovo Yoga 900 trackpad not detected

I installed kernel 4.4-rc6 today and it still doesn't fix the touchpad issue. I decided to custom compile the fix again using rc6 but this time it complained about not having the right linux-headers package for dkms (Ubuntu, not arch). This confused me since I followed my instructions exactly to the letter.

At this point I've decided to fall back to rc5-custom again and wait for the next release. Does anyone know if someone will be fixing the touchpad and touchscreen issue soon? Can I buy that person a beer?

Last edited by ajbogh (2015-12-28 01:03:13)


#50 2015-12-31 16:05:06

Registered: 2015-12-20
Posts: 3

Re: [CLOSED] Lenovo Yoga 900 trackpad not detected

Hello all,
i don't know if it is the right place to ask  my question, please don't blame me if my question is off topic. I am using android studio on my yoga 900 (Kubuntu 15.10), bet the problem is that the menu bar is too small and on don't know the way to increase(I am not talking about the code, bet the menu bar). Can someone helps me ?


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