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#1 2006-04-20 21:47:11

From: Seattle, WA
Registered: 2006-04-09
Posts: 342

Metacity with composite?

Hi, I remember I once read that metacity had a composite manager since 2.14, yet I haven't found a way to activate it (and afaik there's none). I were wondering if you guys could build the package with the --with-compositor switch (and, of course add it to unstable). It would still work as it has always done as it's disabled by default, and when activated will be way better than using xcompmgr. If you don't want to do that for everyone then please give me the pkgbuild the metacity package was built with (uh... I don't know if that sentence made sense, I apologize, english is not my main language)


#2 2006-04-21 06:23:32

From: Norway
Registered: 2005-11-09
Posts: 319

Re: Metacity with composite?

You can get the PKGBUILD like this:
# abs
# updatedb
# locate metacity|grep abs


#3 2006-04-21 19:33:36

Registered: 2003-12-03
Posts: 1,664

Re: Metacity with composite?

Metacity requires libcm for the compositor, which isn't even released as tarball yet. The compositor is only useful for AIGLX and XGL, so don't expect it as official package. When I get time to finish the Xorg 7.1RC packages with AIGLX support, I will try to get a metacity build with composite support.


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