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Hi guys,
i have a very weird problem during download. i was trying to download one ISO file which is 675MB. during download my comp freezes every time when it reaches about 67-68% of the download. that is about 452MB. i have no clue what could it be. i am using Firefox & GNOME & kernel 2.6.3
The only thing i can do is press Ctrl+Alt+F1 & then everything stops & i can go back to GUI. & the freezing loooks like is caused from my hard drive. i don't know my hard drive is trying to do , but it does't stop doing .
i hope you can help on this one problem.
thanks a lot, Shemeta
likely your tmp is filling up and causing your box to freakout
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
Hi ,
you are very right about that. i used gnome-system-monitor & it showed that the downloading files is being stored in /tmp. i waited a lil & after a while, firefox got closed by itself.
is there something i can do about it? it would be nice to get that fixed.
thank for the reply. Shemeta
well i dunno if the freezing would be an arch bug or bad code in firefox. i had similar problem but not the freezing.... well mozilla or firebird would freeze. you could file a bug to have it looked into at least because such an issue *should* not cause hard lockup of X.
in the meantime i suggest using an ftp client or wget to grab anything larger than 400+ MB (it was freezing around there right). you could also alot more space to tmp using fstab.
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
downloading the file with ftp programm didn't cause any problems. so it must be something with Firefox. i will try to contact the devs & let them know.
thanks for the help!
well part of the problem is that your tmp/ is probably only as big as your RAM which is ok in most cases except for large downloads. firefox should not freeze the computer though if tmp fills it should only throw a warning. mind you this has always been the weakness in mozilla and its offspring.
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
I don't think the devs can do anything. It's not a misconfigured package build, it's the way that firefox et al reacts when it fills a partition.
Maybe submit it as a bug to the firefox people.
I have discovered that all of mans unhappiness derives from only one source, not being able to sit quietly in a room
- Blaise Pascal
my /tmp is 2G & my RAM is 256MB. i doubt that could be the problem.
i found this thread
With a 2.4 kernel devfs will mount /dev/pts automatically, in 2.6 devfs is stripped down and won't do that anymore, so you need to add it to fstab. /dev/pts is used for Unix98 pseudo terminal support (yes, you want that).
/dev/shm is used for shared memory, so it's not really a filesystem, it's only implemented with tmpfs. Some programs may need it, and it won't hurt to have.
I wouldn't mount /tmp on a tmpfs filesystem, it has not much advantages, and if some program puts a very big file there you could get memory problems (e.g. Mozilla downloading files to /tmp first and only moving them to the right place when the download is finished). If you want an empty /tmp then you can add 'rm -rf /tmp/*' to an init script.
but i don't know how this could help me & what to do. do you have any suggestions?
Thanks, Shemeta
Pages: 1