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wohooo, nice thingy thanx for this thread!
Not to be ridiculous, but I've had this prompt since before I used linux... so I doubt it was because of the mailing list :-P
You still get props for finding it, klapmuetz, I just have had it for a long time.
Oh, i just thought it would have been the way you acquired knowledge of this particular .zshrc, because I doubted that there were more than two people in the world with this freaking huge prompt :-D
I am not the weirdest in the house! Well, I am sure that I am less weird now, because I stripped it down to a one row prompt.
One row for the win (as one would say in on ze irc)
Hello girls, I like rock climbing, mountain biking and rafting! Write me!
Kind of off topic of "Screen Configuration" because I got side tracked with the prompts.
I liked and use this prompt, with just a couple of color changed (not shown)
And wanted something similar with the bash prompt, closest I could find was this. … twtty.html
So I modified it to work like the other one in zsh (no battery info because my battery has long since died...)
I couldn't find a RPROMPT option in bash, but liked the idea so faked it, But it turned out to be tooo slow (the time to sit at the prompt, space all the way to the right, and then backspace all the way to the left) So tried saving the location and restoring it, faster, but didn't always work. (It also doesn't go away when typing over it.)
So I changed my prompt by bumping the date back to the first line. I like it like that, and I can also tell if I'm at a bash or zsh prompt according to where the date is. 8)
I saw a cool example of a smile face or frown depending on error status, so added that, then changed to my colors. Here is what I use now
So this was basically a wast of time, except that I'm considering it my crash course into bash scripting, which makes it worth every minute seeing that I'm new to it.
Here is my .bashrc any criticism, suggestions, corrections, are welcome to help me learn. (well ok, almost any criticism) 8)
I left the code for the right prompt in, just rem'ed out if anyone wants to try speeding it up. I guess if the output could be turned off and back on or the some kind of keyboard speed adjusting might help. Beyond me?
Note: If running in a concel outside of X, it doen't calculate the column with right the first time, just hit ENTER to draw it again, and it works. I haven't tried to figure this out?
---Edit: made a link to the code rather then posting it all here...
One little question concerning screen: To enable scrollbackbuffer, I set "defscrollback 10000" in my .screenrc
What do I have to set to be able to use it without executing C-a-ESC everytime I want to do C-b/f ??
One little question concerning screen: To enable scrollbackbuffer, I set "defscrollback 10000" in my .screenrc
What do I have to set to be able to use it without executing C-a-ESC everytime I want to do C-b/f ??
Hmm, you probably mean enable scrolling on the secondary screen? Urxvt does this out of the box. Otherwise you could play with the 'termcapinfo' command, check xterminus' config for reference.
I actually use urxvt.
To explain again what I'm talking about: When I open a new screen session in an urxvt-window and are using it until there "should" be the possibility to scroll, it does not work, neither with the scroll wheel of the mouse, nor with the keys "Ctrl-b". Only after doing "Ctrl-a-ESC", it works with Ctrl-b!
Here are my configs, I am not able to find a mistake:
autodetach on
defscrollback 12000
startup_message off
defutf8 on
nonblock on
shell bash
# Using tab to move around regions gets annoying. These help.
bind ^j focus down
bind ^k focus up
bind ^t focus top
bind ^b focus bottom
caption always "%{= kb}[ %{G}%H::$USER %{b}][ %=%{w}%?%-Lw%?%{b}(%{W}%n %t%?(%u)%?%{b})%{w}%?%+Lw%?%?%= %{b}][%{G} %Y.%m.%d %{W}%0c %{b}]"
and here my .Xdefaults:
! colors
*color0: #222222
*color8: #222222
*color1: #803232
*color9: #982b2b
*color2: #5b762f
*color10: #89b83f
*color3: #aa9943
*color11: #efef60
*color4: #324c80
*color12: #2b4f98
*color5: #706c9a
*color13: #826ab1
*color6: #92b19e
*color14: #a1cdcd
*color7: #ffffff
*color15: #dedede#Enabling Home and End Key in urxvt
#URxvt*keysym.Home: e[1~
#URxvt*keysym.End: e[4~
urxvt*scrollTtyOutput: true
urxvt*loginShell: false
urxvt*font: xft:Bitstream Vera Sans mono:pixelsize=12
urxvt*scrollBar: false
urxvt*foreground: white
urxvt*background: #000000
urxvt*saveLines: 10000
urxvt*inheritPixmap: false
urxvt*tintColor: #ffffff
urxvt*shading: 50
#urxvt*geometry: 85x65+5+5
urxvt*borderLess: true#Another XCursertheme
Xcursor*theme: ghost
Xft*dpi: 96
Xft*antialias: truexterm*utf8: 1
xterm*eightBitInput: true
xterm*metaSendsEscape: true
I actually use urxvt.
To explain again what I'm talking about: When I open a new screen session in an urxvt-window and are using it until there "should" be the possibility to scroll, it does not work, neither with the scroll wheel of the mouse, nor with the keys "Ctrl-b". Only after doing "Ctrl-a-ESC", it works with Ctrl-b!
add this to your .Xdefaults, which in my case - fixed a ton of terminal emulation problems I had with urvxt, including with screen.
urxvt*termName: rxvt
then add the following to your .screenrc
# Make the xterm scroller work in screen, also works
# with mouse scrollwheel
termcapinfo rxvt ti@:te@
termcapinfo rxvt 'hs:ts=E]2;:fs=07:ds=E]2;screen07'
Now you should be able to scroll with your scrollwheel.
If you want to scroll screen-style add the following to your screenrc
# Ctrl+Up, Ctrl+Dn automagically enter copy mode and scroll
bindkey "^[[A" eval copy "stuff ^b"
bindkey "^[[B" eval copy "stuff ^f"
bindkey -m "^[[A" eval "stuff ^b"
bindkey -m "^[[B" eval "stuff ^f"
all of the above was in my .screenrc posted earlier in this thread btw.
Wow, scrolling already wirks with the mousewheel, but Ctrl+f/b gives me: "^B^F".
Scrolling with Shift+PGUP/PGDOWN works, though.
//edit: But when I simply press "Arrow up" i don't get the last command i've typed but it scrolls up....
//edit: Ok now I understood that staying in "copy mode" does not make too much sense, so the way over some keybinds is the only one adorable but which do I have to set to make ctr+b scroll up and ctrl+f scroll down?
Sorry for bumping this old thread, but anyone knows how can I change the escape key to the Window-key?