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devpkgcheck will fetch your vcs packages from the AUR, build them and run namcap. Ideally from a cron job. You will then get a warning if the build failed or if the namcap output changed from last build.
You can specifie your AUR user in two ways, either with the -u option or with a config setting. The -q option will only display info about packages with warnings or errors,
AUR package:
Git repository:
As a matter of curiosity, why would one use this?
If it is specifically designed to work only with packages you maintain, then surely you already have the git repositories with the PKGBUILD on your machine.
e.g. Here are mine:
All I need to do is:
(cd $HOME/git/pkgbuilds; for i in *-git/; do (cd $i && makepkg ; source PKGBUILD && namcap $(printf "${pkgname}-${pkgver}-${pkgrel}-*.pkg.tar.xz")); done)
And I have an alias for that.
Last edited by eschwartz (2016-01-22 00:30:41)
Managing AUR repos The Right Way -- aurpublish (now a standalone tool)
Yes, that's true. That would be more simpler
I have all my PKGBUILDs on my laptop and I wanted to be able to run the tests on a separate/independent computer, like a server. But yeah, I suppose I could just clone them over to the server, but then I would have to remember to do that everytime I've updated a PKGBUILD..
And then the other thing I wanted the script to do (besides testing makepkg).was to be able to warn about namcap output changed, And not just print the namcap output..
Anyways.. Maybe I should add a flag for running the script on the PKGBUILDS in the current dir (or a specified one)..
Yes please. This is a nice idea BUT I don't need to upload to the AUR and download right back down to the same laptop just to test my PKGBUILDs.
And my current alias lets me test unpushed changes at the same time. Granted, I have never cared much about namcap output, my alias doesn't include that bit.
That (namcap) is where it starts getting too complex for a simple alias...
Last edited by eschwartz (2016-01-22 01:22:07)
Managing AUR repos The Right Way -- aurpublish (now a standalone tool)
Yeah and namcap outputs it's fair share of "false alarms". But when testing git packeges, I think it could still be good. Say that makepkg builds without any warnings, but the namcap output has suddenly changed. In that case, they probably changed something upstream. So then you can go upstream and see what changes they made and if you have to alter your PKGBUILD or whatever..
devpkgcheck can now fetch PKGBUILDs from a local dir wtih the -d option. But I use separate build dir, because I like my PKGBUILD repositories clean