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Hello there,
since i have enabled gensplash and installed the gensplash-initscripts from community, pacman tries to replace mawk with gawk... When i replace mawk with gawk, then i can install mawk too manually after doing this and they are both installed. And when i do another update after doing this, pacman asks me to replace mawk with gawk, but at this stage they are both installed... When i then replace mawk with gawk, it starts from the beginning... And so goes it on, everytime i do an update pacman asks me to replace the other, round and round, quite annoying...
When i have mawk installed:
$ pacman -Q | grep awk
mawk 1.3.3-7
$ sudo pacman -Suy
:: Synchronizing package databases...
:: current is up to date
:: extra is up to date
:: community is up to date
:: Replace mawk with gawk from "current"? [Y/n]
When i have gawk installed:
$ pacman -Q | grep awk
gawk 3.1.5-2
$ sudo pacman -Suy
:: Synchronizing package databases...
:: current is up to date
:: extra is up to date
:: community is up to date
:: Replace mawk with gawk from "current"? [Y/n]
And when i have both installed:
$ pacman -Q | grep awk
gawk 3.1.5-2
mawk 1.3.3-7
$ sudo pacman -Suy
:: Synchronizing package databases...
:: current is up to date
:: extra is up to date
:: community is up to date
:: Replace mawk with gawk from "current"? [Y/n]
I think mawk is needed by the gensplash-initscripts, because the progressbars do not work with gawk installed...
So, how can i deal with this?
Is it a package bug?
want a modular and tweaked KDE for arch? try kdemod
Does gawk provide mawk?
Get the initscripts-gensplash PKGBUILD (and other needed files) from abs, change the 'mawk' dependency to 'awk' and rebuild it. That will fix the problem. I've already notified dtw about that; he didn't had time to fix the package yet.
Thx Snowman, but this seems to not solve my problem... I have downloaded the PKGBUILD and all its needed files from cvs, then modified, built and installed it, but pacman still wants to replace mawk with gawk...
After modification my PKGBUILD looks like this:
pkgdesc="System initialization/bootup scripts with support for silent splash screens using gensplash"
backup=(etc/inittab etc/rc.conf etc/rc.local)
depends=('bash' 'awk' 'grep' 'coreutils' 'sed' 'gensplashutils>=' 'udev>=081')
Seems that i can only have gawk installed, but when i install mawk alone or mawk & gawk together, then pacman asks me to replace mawk with gawk...
I would let him do this, really But when i do not have mawk installed, then i get no progress-bar with gensplash and it all seems messed up...
want a modular and tweaked KDE for arch? try kdemod
Let pacman replace mawk with gawk. gawk has become the favored awk interpreter for Arch as the next glibc will require gawk to compile. Both mawk and gawk provides awk. Perhaps you have other packages that explicitely depends on mawk or gawk. If so, they should depend on awk instead.
I only have gawk installed and gensplash works fine here. These problems might be caused by something else. Search the forum. There's a thread about these kind of mess up problems with gensplash.
I have investigated it a bit further...
/bin/awk points to /bin/gawk = gensplash not working
/bin/awk points to /bin/mawk = gensplash working
When i remove gawk, pacman does not say anything about a package that needs it, so i think i have none installed which really depends on it and otherwise i could not remove gawk i think...
Well, i will search the forum about this sort of problem and post the result here...
Thx again
want a modular and tweaked KDE for arch? try kdemod
Very, very strange... At first i removed both mawk and gawk without any errors or dependency warnings. Then i installed only gawk and tried the kdgraphics-option in my menu.lst and rebooted... now it works And it works even without the kdgraphics-option, i just had to test this...
I have investigated it a bit more... I start kdm on bootup, and when i log out and shut down the system from within kdm, the progress bar works on the next reboot. But when i halt it from a vc while kdm is running, then the progress bar will not work on the next reboot...
This is what i can say after about 30 reboots or so
Seems very strange to me, but when it works, it can be calmly strange
want a modular and tweaked KDE for arch? try kdemod
Yes, that's strange. Maybe this behavior depends on how you start kdm. Do you start it with the kdm daemon or with inittab? You could try the other way to see if you get the same behavior. Or you can leave it as is.
Yes, very strange... I start kdm via the daemons array in rc.conf, but i will try if gesplash behaves better when i do this via inittab...
want a modular and tweaked KDE for arch? try kdemod
I fixed the awk dep in initscripts-gensplash (I think)