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Hello everyone
I want to compile some stuff via ABS, but everytime i try it it tells me this:
==> ERROR: Package destination directory does not exist or permission denied.
I copied the PKGBUILD to /var/abs/local/package and then run makepkg. but the above posted error comes up. what am i doing wrong?
If you are running the command as an unpriviledged user, or someone without write permissions in the directory, this messase should show up
i run this command as root
If you have PKGDEST variable in /etc/makepkg.conf set then the path you gave it doesn't exist or permission is denied, or if you don't have it set, then you are trying to build the package in a current directory that you don't have permissions to. Its just trying place the pkg.tar.gz somewhere.
ty, that was it now it works.
Pages: 1