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i was browsing around on the forums today and I found some great news. Someone released a patch for the rt2500 drivers so that they will work with SMP. The patch has since been merged into CVS. This is awesome. Now I won't have to compile everything that has to do with the kernel just because I disabled SMP in my custom kernel. it also means that I don't have to compile my own kernel when I install arch, hence decreasing the time it takes from booting the install cd to booting into an arch system.
Anyway, my question was this. If I wanted to make a PKGBUILD for aur using the daily cvs builds, what would I put for the pkgversion? Would I put the current date there, or something else? Thanks in advance for the help. This will be my first submission to AUR if I can create a proper PKGBUILD.
moved to making packages.
The way to get the current date on a package would mean the use of back-ticks to the date command and back-tick execution is not permitted in the PKGBUILD for some reason. I believe you are just supposed to put the current date as a string to the pkgver= field and rely on others to change it to the current date at will, but best wait and see what a TU says about it.
Backticks are only allowed in build(). That said please read the CVS/SVN guidelines
I saw the part about using a date format for the pkgver there and it made me wonder about my package when I extract the daily cvs tarball, it extracts to rt2500-cvs-yyyymmddxx where y is year, m is month, d is day and x is something which i'm not sure of. the actuall number there was 2006042913 when I built the package today. What would that last set of numbers be?
If you can I'd just grab the source straight from cvs instead of worrying about daily tarballs
I made the PKGBUILD. Can someone check it out to make sure it conforms to the SVN/CVS PKGBUILD standards:
# Contributor: Luke Tilley <sinisterguy>
# Contributor: Luke Tilley <sinisterguy>
pkgdesc="Drivers for rt2500 chipset wireless cards"
build() {
cd $startdir/src
msg "Connecting to $ CVS server...."
cvs -z3 -d $_cvsroot co -D $pkgver -f $_cvsmod
cd $_cvsmod/Module
msg "CVS checkout done or server timeout"
msg "Starting make..."
make || return 1
install -D -m 755 rt2500.ko $startdir/pkg/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/rt2500.ko
# arg 1: the new package version
post_install() {
depmod -a
# arg 1: the new package version
# arg 2: the old package version
post_upgrade() {
post_install $1
# arg 1: the old package version
post_remove() {
depmod -a
$op $*
This is excellent news! Yay, im going to fix this up a bit and put it in the repos.
sorry to let people down, but when I booted up my computer this morning, my system hung at the network initialization. After the driver working all day long yesterday, it stopped working. Sad, maybe the rt2x00 will go stable sometime soon
I am using Asus WL-107G with RT2500 chipset. And I am using the CVS-driver for about a week to 2 now (just read this thread yesterday), and w/o any noticeable problem.
And ppl might want also to change the wiki entry on RT2x00 serie ? ( I read it, and found out that all I need is to compile and build my driver from CVS...)
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