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I installed KDE 3.2 with pacman. Now how can i start it? An "exec kde" or "exec kde3" in .xinitrc and a following "startx" doesn't work. So i found out, that i can launch KDE with "startkde". But then i get the error-message $DISPLAY not set !
How can i set $DISPLAY to launch KDE 3,2?
CU ActionNews
[URL=]My System[/URL] - one click ahead!
Does your XFree86 start? just add a # before startkde and all other exec in the .xinitrc and look if your Xserver starts.
If it's not starting your XF86Config is not set properly.
X starts (Nvidia drivers are installed - not "nv"-driver). .xinitrc didn't exist so i made a new one with "exec fluxbox" this works perfectly.
CU ActionNews
[URL=]My System[/URL] - one click ahead!
It works now . It works with "exec startkde" and startx.
CU ActionNews
[URL=]My System[/URL] - one click ahead!
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