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Hi all! I have a little problem! i want to use my old home partion used with debian in arch.
To do this i mounted the partition to /home dir in arch filesystem using this string:
/dev/hdc6 /home reiserfs users,defaults 0 2
But i can't read my home as normal user, it require root privileges resulting in no start of xorg when i type startx because it can't read the required files located in /home to start the can i fix this?
dunno if this helps but for proper permissions try mounting with umask=000 or something
Maybe the files are owned by a different user than the normal user on Arch. umask won't help: it's only for FS without permissions / owners.
You can use "chown -R <youruser>:users" on the directory you can't access.
A bus station is where a bus stops.
A train station is where a train stops.
On my desk I have a workstation.
Maybe the files are owned by a different user than the normal user on Arch. umask won't help: it's only for FS without permissions / owners.
You can use "chown -R <youruser>:users" on the directory you can't access. doesen't work..i think i had to mount my /home during installation phase
ls /home/username/
chances are the files are owned by a different uid than your current user. you should need to chown -R as has been mentioned above.
Adding it during the install phase will do nothing to help.
Please post some errors or ls outputs so we can get more info
ok man!all right now!that what i needed was just a reboot
Thanks all!
EDIT: when i log in GDM reports this error message:
user's $HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored. This prevent the dafault session and language from being saved.File should be owned by user and have 644 permissions. User's $HOME directory must be owned by user and not writable by other users
what can i do to solve?
What are the current permissions and ownership of ~/.dmrc?
What are the current permissions and ownership of ~/.dmrc?
these are the permissions:
-rwxrwxrwx 1 du users 26 2006-04-14 13:08 .dmrc