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Very often, after I resume my laptop from suspending all characters disappear, in the window titles, in the terminals, everywhere. All characters? No. Some remain, oddly enough, for example, all 'c'-characters in the terminal, or all zeros.
I can't stress enough how frustrating this is.
When I rescale the fonts, either in the application, or in the system settings, characters reappear, at some scaling factors more, at some all, but never in the size they were. Changing the font also works. So I am often messing up my settings until I find a font scaling size in which all characters are visible. It remains good until suspending again.
This happens in both deepin and in cinnamon.
I don't know what to do about this, I have googled quite a lot not to find anything.
This is what the terminal looks like for example:
This is what nautilus looks like:
Please if anybody has an idea what to do about this, let me know!
Last edited by xor1 (2016-04-19 17:12:21)
Do you have an Intel graphics card? … SNA_issues
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî
this solved it i believe