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Just done an upgrade to udev 091-3 but had to reverse it as it broke my local udev rules.
I have the following local rules for my usb mouse and wacom tablet
KERNEL=="event*", SYSFS{manufacturer}=="Logitech", SYSFS{product}=="USB RECEIVER", NAME="input/mx1000", MODE="664", GROUP="plugdev"
KERNEL=="event*", SYSFS{manufacturer}=="WACOM", SYSFS{product}=="CTE-430*", NAME="input/graphire", MODE="664", GROUP="plugdev"
This gives me the nodes "graphire" & "mx1000" in "/dev/input" for my mouse and tablet which means I don't have to worry which USB port I plug them into xorg always works as the nodes are always symlinked to the correct device location.
After the upgrade to udev 091-3 the nodes are not being created, so "X" won't start (can't find the mouse).
It appears that the only change between 091-3 and the previous 091-2 is some tweaking og the rules, so does anyone know how I should modify my rules so that they work with the latest rules in 091-3?.
I have been fiddling with it for a few hours but not being a udev expert, I thought I'd ask for a bit of help.
Many thanks
P.S it may be my imagination, or due to rule problem I'm having but although nothing else on my machine has changed 091-3 seems slower during boot than previous versions.
latest udev removed /dev/mouse, causing synaptic not to work any longer. I have no custom udev rules.
Try adding OPTIONS="last_rule" to your rules.
Try adding OPTIONS="last_rule" to your rules.
Thanks for the suggestion. I'm at work at the moment so i'll try it when I get home.
latest udev removed /dev/mouse, causing synaptic not to work any longer. I have no custom udev rules.
I get the same problem. Here is the diff between the rules from udev 091-2 and 091-3:
[]$ diff udev.rules.091-2 udev.rules.091-3
> # only needed for kernels < 2.6.17
> SUBSYSTEM=="net", ENV{PHYSDEVDRIVER}=="?*", WAIT_FOR_SYSFS="device/driver"
< LABEL="hotplug_driver_loaded"
> LABEL="hotplug_driver_loaded"
< KERNEL=="dm-[0-9]*", ACTION=="add", PROGRAM="/sbin/dmsetup info -c --noopencount --noheadings -o name -j %M -m %m", SYMLINK+="disk/by-name/%c"
> KERNEL=="dm-[0-9]*", ACTION=="add", PROGRAM="/sbin/dmsetup info -c --noopencount --noheadings -o name -j %M -m %m", NAME="mapper/%c", MODE="0600", SYMLINK+="disk/by-name/%c"
< BUS=="usb", SYSFS{bInterfaceClass}="03", SYSFS{bInterfaceProtocol}="01", ENV{ID_CLASS}="kbd"
< BUS=="usb", SYSFS{bInterfaceClass}="03", SYSFS{bInterfaceProtocol}="02", ENV{ID_CLASS}="mouse"
> BUS=="usb", SYSFS{bInterfaceClass}=="03", SYSFS{bInterfaceProtocol}=="01", ENV{ID_CLASS}="kbd"
> BUS=="usb", SYSFS{bInterfaceClass}=="03", SYSFS{bInterfaceProtocol}=="02", ENV{ID_CLASS}="mouse"
The only thing I can see affecting it is the transposition of a == for a =. Is this a bug?
ipw2200 was broken after I updated udev to 091-3 yesterday. I don't know yet if it works with 091-4. I'll report soon...
Haven't been here in a while. Still rocking Arch.
udev 0.91-4 does the same thing, ie synaptic touchpad stops working so X doesn't start. Downgrade to 0.91-2 fixes it.
ipw2200 wasn't working, but now is with udev 091-4.
Try adding OPTIONS="last_rule" to your rules.
Hi brain0
I tried this suggestion but it made no difference, upgrading to 91-4 made no difference either.
I'll see what else I can find
I now have everything working again. The problem was not with my local udev rules at all. it was a missing kernel module
I do not use /dev/input/mouse /dev/input/mice etc for my mouse and tablet in "X" I use /dev/input/event etc.
prior to 091-3 the kernel module "evdev" was always loaded for me automatically at boot time. From 091-3 this no longer the case, I have to explicitly load the module by placing an entry in the "MODULES=()" in rc.conf. Once I did this everything worked again.
I don't understand the in's and out's of UDEV so can't see why 091-2 loads this module and 091-3 dosen't, maybe someone can explain
Thanks a lot bunnyhugh. Loading evdev explicitly fixed my problems as well. Cheers.
Thanks a lot bunnyhugh. Loading evdev explicitly fixed my problems as well. Cheers.
Hi nightfrost
Glad my fix was of some help to you, it would be good to know why 091-2 and 091-3 behave differently with regards to this module though.
I have posted a bug report.
fixed in new udev
Yep, udev 0.91-5 fixes all my problems.
I have posted a bug report.
Hi tomk,
Thanks for filing the bug report. I didn't think it was a bug, I thought it was a deliberate change in the way things worked
Glad to see it is fixed in the lastest version. Many thanks tpowa
udev 091-5 didn't fix my synaptic problems
Haven't been here in a while. Still rocking Arch.
udev 091-5 didn't fix my synaptic problems
Doing some more investigations I have found that udev >= 091-3 no longer loads the kernel module "joydev" either, you have to load it manually or put it in rc.conf. Could it be that you are still missing a module? Try comparing the modules that are loaded using 091-2 and 091-3 or later it may give you a clue
Yep, udev 0.91-5 fixes all my problems.
I need to load evdev manually since updating to 0.91-5 from 0.91-2
Loading evdev manualy solves my problem with synaptic. I just wanted to mention that this wasn't necessary before udev 091-3...
Haven't been here in a while. Still rocking Arch.
yes that is what i would call a bug
udev-091-6 will fix this
udev-091-6 will fix this
Many thanks tpowa