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It works! Thank you very much!
It works! Thank you very much!
You're welcome
Where's my sig?
Hey cytzol, for df why did you decide not to color the Use% when its less than 26 (a guess)?
My Use% is colored all the way down to 0%. It's in bold white, perhaps you use a font that doesn't have a boldface?
So its colored white? I keep my text white so I didn't notice difference. Also in cytzol's screenshot its not even white, its just grey like normal text.
Yes cytzol and I use the Terminus font (it has no bold in small sizes). I was just concerned about the color.
great !!!
looks soooo amazing..
its even more intuitive to use the command line tools now
If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is.
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
It is excellent, I like all the colors!! :-) Just a minor complaint though - by having non-core commands (like screen) the path (autocompletion etc) gets a little cluttered (I know I am a lit paranoid here). Is there a workaround?
It breaks compiling (at least makepkg, haven't tried without it). Had to remove the cope entry from PATH every time, so I got tired and uninstalled it. Otherwise I liked it.
Last edited by JohannesSM64 (2010-02-12 20:49:28)
Here is a bash script for complete your installation
for file in /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/auto/share/dist/Cope/*
echo alias $(ls $file | cut -c51- -)="$file"
So after addind string of PATH just start it like
user@user $ >> ~/.bashrc
I can't get Cope to work for me, can someone help me out...
I have installed cope-git from the AUR, I have added:
export PATH=/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/auto/share/dist/Cope:$PATH
to my ~/.bashrc
$ printenv
confirms that my cope path has been added correctly. I have sourced ~/.bashrc and logged out and back in again to no avail.
I'm just left with with plain white text everywhere, I am using xfce-terminal what am I missing here? How do you get cope working?
What does `which ip` say? And what's your complete $PATH after the login?
$ which ip
$ printenv
To my eyes (I don't know much though) that looks correct. Is there a command to start it that I need to put into my .xinitrc or autostart file?
Yeah. That looks very ok and very much the same as at my setup. So you also don't have any color if you execute the perl wrapper script directly (i.e. /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/auto/share/dist/Cope/ip)? Is there any error output?