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Hi all,
I'm trying to do a new install using bcache. Following the guide here: … che_device
It says
1. Boot on the install disk (2013.08.01 minimum).
2. Install the bcache-toolsAUR package from AUR.
First problem: following the instructions on the AUR wiki, I run:
pacman -Syy --needed base-devel
error: Partition / too full: 50874 blocks needed, 48206 blocks free
"/" is only 100 MB or so, even though I have 16GB of ram.
Second problem: I ignore the first problem, and try to run
# makepkg -sri.
error: Running makepkg as root is not allowed.
So, how do I install a package from AUR while I'm in the livecd? I have no disk space and the only account is root :-D
First answer...
mount -o remount,size=8G /run/archiso/cowspace
Second answer...
Either create a new user in your live session or use the existing 'nobody' user.
Thanks for the reply, slithery, that solved my AUR problem!
I couldn't get the "nobody" user to work, so I created a regular user, and that seems to have done the trick.
For future reference, how do I use the nobdy user? I don't quite see the point. I tried this:
# su nobody
This account is currently not available
I used chsh to set the nobody shell to /bin/bash, but then "nobody" had no home directory, so I figured it was just as easy to make a new user with a home directory.
Last edited by LeftyAce (2016-05-29 18:17:09)