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#1 2006-05-14 01:27:11

From: Santa Cruz, CA
Registered: 2006-05-14
Posts: 11

Praise For Arch

Hello there!

I started using Linux (Red Hat 7) in 8th grade and played with it for some time. I was mildly impressed that it ran on my old machine but enjoyed the nifty GUI (Gnome) and the efficiency. Soon after I installed Slackware and used Slackware for quite a few years after. Slackware is one of my favorite distributions of Linux simply because it does what it is supposed to, without breaking into 40 pieces spewing random errors. Rock-solid and fault-tolerant, it has proved to me to be a stable server and workstation solution. However, soon after one of my friends recommended Gentoo Linux.

Gentoo has been nothing but trials with me. Packages in portage seem to break constantly (I am physically afraid of running emerge –sync && emerge -uaD world remotely) and bug fixes to those broken packages are not marked stable for much time after the fault has been found. I still consider most of Gentoo to be one gigantic beta. The speed increases from compiling my own packages were quite negligible and the USE flags simply had me recompiling packages as I forgot to include a few of them from time and time again. Gentoo was an interesting escapade and I used it for a number of years..until this March.

When Gentoo's anjuta package would segfault on start up because the -r1 had not be marked stable I gave up and swapped my workstation to ArchLinux. ArchLinux follows the old Slack-style I know and love but it stays quite a bit more bleeding-edge. Packages are rarely broken and are fixed almost instantly. I remember the day I installed ArchLinux, the night before I had done a 10 hour Gentoo install and was fed up with the kernel that they had marked as "stable." I completed the ArchLinux installation, restoring all my personal files, and basic configuration between my Calculus and Economics classes (1 Hour). I am extremely pleased with pacman and its inherit ability to get things done right the first time. This upcoming trip to visit home (this weekend), I am going to install ArchLinux on my server back home and be rid of Gentoo forever.

Keep up the great work Arch!

Hello World!


#2 2006-05-14 08:22:17

Forum Fellow
From: Ireland
Registered: 2004-07-21
Posts: 9,839

Re: Praise For Arch

Good stuff, rohanrns. big_smile

Glad you're enjoying Arch - hope we see more of you around here.


#3 2006-05-14 15:02:40

From: USA
Registered: 2005-02-18
Posts: 1,686

Re: Praise For Arch

Glad you are enjoying Arch, rohanrns.  It's not perfect, but it's damned good!   8)



#4 2006-05-14 15:41:22

From: Poland
Registered: 2003-10-28
Posts: 1,274

Re: Praise For Arch

Arch is perfectly good 8-) ;-)


#5 2006-05-14 19:14:43

From: Santa Cruz, CA
Registered: 2006-05-14
Posts: 11

Re: Praise For Arch

thanks for the encouragement guys.  And you'll probably see some more of me around asking questions about apache/mysql as I install ArchLinux onto my web/database server this weekend.  big_smile

Hello World!


#6 2006-05-15 06:45:56

Registered: 2005-02-24
Posts: 410

Re: Praise For Arch

you should definately check the wiki pages on that matter. It's a great guide. Works perfectly for me!


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