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Has anyone tried to install Arch on this machine?
I want it to be my main OS, but I'm still doubtful about the problems with this laptop. So anyone?
I've read the wiki and a hardware problems thread, however, my model is not listed on these places.
It is the MacBook Por 11,5
I have a MBP 11,5 with the AMD Radeon R9, 16GB of RAM and a 1TB SSD.
I have Arch Linux booting via bootctl running the latest AMD catalyst drivers.
DE XFCE 4, WM, Emerald + Compiz Desktop effects.
Wifi works after blacklist.
Bluetooth works out of box.
Only problem i have had is the Thunderbolt hotplug issue and the fact I can't run two 27 Inch TB displays at the same time. Yet all the ports on the displays such as Ethernet, USB, TB pass-thru all work.