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*** Solved by Trilby in the second post ***
In a bash function I want to retrieve stats from multiple machines via sshpass and ssh. The following gives the error, "ssh: Could not resolve hostname ]}: Name or service not known"
declare -a hostlist=("" "" "" "" "...cont...")
get_stats() {
for each in "{$hostlist[@]}"
sshpass -p Password ssh -p 2222 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ConnectTimeout=10 user@"{$each[@]}" -n "cat /etc/hostname && uptime | awk '{print \$3}'" >> uptimes.txt
Substituting * for @ in both $hostlist and $each yields the error
ssh: Could not resolve hostname {{[*]}[*]}: Name or service not known
Remove "sshpass -p Password" and the function works, but only for the first IP in the hostlist array. Is this due to trying to expand the variable $each in an ssh subshell of sshpass? Sorry, the vernacular is new to me so I might call a thing by the wrong name. I'd like to understand what's causing this behavior, and how to make this work if possible. Unfortunately I do not have the option of using ssh-keygen, ssh-copy-id...
Links to your favorite resources on these topics are most welcome! Thanks.
Last edited by whiskeytango3000 (2016-06-21 00:17:42)
{$array[@]} != ${array[@]}
and "each" is not an array in the loop, so
{$each[@]} != $each
EDIT: Also, while it is not actually an error, I'd argue that "each" is a horrible name for a variable in this context. It doesn't represent "each" it represents a single ip/server - and more importantly 'foreach' and 'for each' are common language keywords in other programming/scripting languages and are thus easily misleading here. 'for server in ...' would be much more clear.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
Aha! So I was telling ssh to connect to a non-existent array, while referring incorrectly to the real array in the first place, thanks to a misplaced $. Checking out Greg's Bash guide now. Thanks for the help and advice, Trilby.
EDIT: Offtopic, but I had to say thanks again. That Bash guide (new version at is exactly what I needed!
Last edited by whiskeytango3000 (2016-06-22 04:09:03)