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I've been running Arch on my Asus eeePC 1005P for a while with no real issues but recently tap-to-click on the trackpad stopped working. The DE I'm running is LXQT.
I've checked the wiki, the only conf file I have under /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d./ is for the keyboard.
If I query libinput-list-devices I get:
Device: SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad
Kernel: /dev/input/event9
Group: 8
Seat: seat0, default
Size: 54.20x25.25mm
Capabilities: pointer
Tap-to-click: disabled
Tap-and-drag: enabled
Tap drag lock: disabled
Left-handed: disabled
Nat.scrolling: disabled
Middle emulation: n/a
Calibration: n/a
Scroll methods: *two-finger edge
Click methods: none
Disable-w-typing: enabled
Accel profiles: none
This shows that tap-to-click is disabled. I followed the wiki and created a conf file like this:
Section "InputClass"
Identifier "MyTouchpad"
MatchIsTouchpad "on"
Driver "libinput"
Option "Tapping" "on"
However, upon rebooting the trackpad just didn't work at all. I'm clearly missing something, but I've got no idea what at the moment.
Last edited by b0ng0 (2016-07-03 15:57:09)
Exactly the same happaned to me. The tap-to-click settings disappeared from the gnome settings too. I mostly use a usb mouse and cannot pin down exactly when this change happened.
I'm on an ASUS ZenBook with Elantech ELAN touchpad.
EDIT: Downgrading libinput did not solve this. Kernel downgrade did not help.
Last edited by ijanos (2016-07-02 19:08:42)
I've opened an issue in the bug tracker:
Removed xf86-input-synaptics package and now it works.
Tried to remove xf86-input-synaptics package but didn't fix the issue and tapping on the trackpad kept jumping the cursor around.
Tried to remove xf86-input-synaptics package but didn't fix the issue and tapping on the trackpad kept jumping the cursor around.
Did you restart you X session? Or rebooted even?
If yes then I suggest opening a separate bug report.
Solved it by installing xf86-input-libinput and adding the conf file as the wiki suggested.
Prior to installing xf86-input-libinput I could still run libinput-list-devices, so I'm guessing that for some reason some packages relating to libinput were installed but not everything. Removed the synaptics package as well as you suggested since there's no point in keeping it.
I have the same situation on my ThinkPad T410s (and Xmonad as a DE).
1/ sudo pacman -Rsn xf86-input-synaptics
2/ sudo pacman -Syu xf86-input-libinput
3/ use config from the #1 post
Maybe it's a time to update wiki?
Lenovo T410s
Arch Linux (x64)
Removing `sudo pacman -Rsn xf86-input-synaptics` seems to have fixed the issue for me (Dell XPS 9360)
Thank you!
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