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Title is pretty self explanatory.
[bee@thinkpad ~]$ mpv
Warning: mpv was compiled against a different version of ffmpeg than the shared
library it is linked against. This is most likely a broken build
and misbehavior and crashes are to be expected.
mpv 0.18.0 (C) 2000-2016 mpv/MPlayer/mplayer2 projects
built on Tue Jul 5 21:58:17 CEST 2016
ffmpeg library versions:
libavutil 55.28.100 (runtime 55.17.103)
libavcodec 57.48.101 (runtime 57.24.102)
libavformat 57.41.100 (runtime 57.25.100)
libswscale 4.1.100 (runtime 4.0.100)
libavfilter 6.47.100 (runtime 6.31.100)
libswresample 2.1.100 (runtime 2.0.101)
ffmpeg version: 3.0.2
mpv version: 1:0.18.0-3
I hope this is the right place to post this, it seemed like the most appropriate sub.
Last edited by BeeYork (2016-07-07 23:11:21)
Check for bugs against mpv? File a new one requesting a rebuild if it is needed in your opinion.
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These versions are only in testing? Should this be in the testing forum?
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
If you need mpv right now there are two options. Either downgrade ffmpeg, or rebuild mpv. Also, there could already be a new package for mpv. Check the repos, if not check the bug tracker. If this has not already been reported - report the bug. All in all, there should be a new revision bump for mpv.
Sorry 'bout that, just realized there was a sub for the testing repo. Could a mod maybe move this?
Also downgrading mpv from 1:0.18.0-3 => 1:0.18.0-1 worked fine. Looks like the FFmpeg version is older rather than newer. My intention wasn't to get help, rather just have this noticed by the repo maintainer.
Last edited by BeeYork (2016-07-07 23:10:56)
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way
ffmpeg library versions: libavutil 55.28.100 (runtime 55.17.103) libavcodec 57.48.101 (runtime 57.24.102) libavformat 57.41.100 (runtime 57.25.100) libswscale 4.1.100 (runtime 4.0.100) libavfilter 6.47.100 (runtime 6.31.100) libswresample 2.1.100 (runtime 2.0.101) ffmpeg version: 3.0.2
mpv version: 1:0.18.0-3
Partial upgrades are unsupported.
Yes, even if you are running testing, you still can't do partial upgrades.
Do not run mpv from (community-)testing, compiled against ffmpeg from testing, running against ffmpeg from extra.
It literally is that simple.
Last edited by eschwartz (2016-07-07 23:53:56)
Managing AUR repos The Right Way -- aurpublish (now a standalone tool)
Which begs the question, does OP have [community-testing] enabled but not [testing]?
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