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Trying to follow examples in the wiki involving nvidia-settings leads to command not found errors. The pkgfile command says nvidia-settings is provided by nvidia-utils, which I have installed, but when listing the files pacman installed with the nvidia-utils package, nvidia-settings is not included.
/home/colin %nvidia-settings
zsh: command not found: nvidia-settings
/home/colin %pkgfile nvidia-settings
/home/colin %pacman -Ql nvidia-utils | grep nvidia-settings
/home/colin %
So, what happened to nvidia-settings?
Last edited by colinkeenan (2016-08-12 23:19:43)
It's provided by nvidia-settings. The package was split back around Christmas.
If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet.
Niels Bohr
Good, but why didn't pkgfile know that?
Good, but why didn't pkgfile know that?
It does for me. Did you update the pkgfile cache?
# pkgfile -u;
If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet.
Niels Bohr
Thanks. That solved it. If I ever knew about updating the pkgfile cache, I had forgotten all about it.
You might also be interested that the new version of pacman includes most of the pkgfile functionality now. Try this:
# pacman -Fyy && pacman -Fs nvidia-settings
If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet.
Niels Bohr
I'll use that then. Since I update pretty much daily with sudo pacman -Syu, I shouldn't need to do sudo pacman -Fyy. I'll just do pacman -Fs ... without needing sudo or root. Using the same package databases that I update daily is better than trying to remember to update another one whenever I want to find the package that provides a particular file.
The package files databases (updated with pacman -Fy) are different than the package databases you use with pacman -S.
Oh. Why can't they be the same? Seems like it would be simpler. So, I'll use your full suggested command then. Thanks.
alias filepkg='sudo pacman -Fyy && pacman -Fs'