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Starting tmux in a terminal gives the message "setterm: terminal tmux does not support --blength".
I've tried different terminals via set-g default-terminal "____" to no avail.
Tmux starts and functions perfectly fine as far as I can tell. I would like to find the source of the error message though. Any ideas would be awesome. Thanks.
Are you intentionally seting the bell length? I have used an audible bell in .... I don't remember *ever* using it. I explicitly disable it as one of the first steps of every installation. It seems somewhere in a startup file you are explicitly setting a bell length with setterm/set.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
Thanks. I was disabling the bell with xset -b.
Update: xset -b was unrelated. Somehow the line setterm --blength 0 had been put into /etc/profile. Just in case anyone else runs into this.
Update: xset -b was unrelated. Somehow the line setterm --blength 0 had been put into /etc/profile. Just in case anyone else runs into this.
I ran into the same issue. The source for this command in my case was the Wiki.
(Sorry for bumping, in case you find it annoying.)