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#1 2006-05-18 19:00:35

From: Denmark - Møn
Registered: 2005-06-26
Posts: 441

Bluetooth funny problem? [Solved]

I found the package kdebluetooth in AUR and just for the try I build the package on my laptop - and that went just well without any problems and it has the shortcut in the kdemenu - and the icon in the bottom.

But I was also duing this on my desktop.. where the BT-antenne is - and its make the paglage - but there's no shortcut in the menu and also no icon. And I does'nt seem to be anywhere ?

Do anybody have a clue what that could be ? It doesent complain about anything - just says it has build the package ?

the link to the package : … s=0&SeB=nd

Just getting better .... All the time


#2 2006-05-19 17:39:16

From: Denmark - Møn
Registered: 2005-06-26
Posts: 441

Re: Bluetooth funny problem? [Solved]

I got it solved now.

I installed the C+ & C++ garbage collector - and then it works.

Just getting better .... All the time


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