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I recently submitted my first package to AUR (easybackup). It is a Bash script which attempts to simplify home backups, leveraging rsync. It can be used for both backups to a local destination (e.g. an external HD) and a remote server (via SSH). It adds nothing to rsync functionality, but has a friendlier interface.
It all started with a 10-lines script that I have been using for months at home. Then I added some features and refactored it, mostly as an "exercise". I just wanted to improve my skills at writing Bash scripts and learn how to publish packages to AUR. However, I think it may be useful for everyone who wants a CLI tool for home backups without having to deal with rsync.
Take a look at easybackup on GitHub, if you want.
Reviews and contributions are welcome! Don't be too critical, it was just an exercise!
Running it through throws up a few issues...
@slithery: Thank you! This is the first time I write a non-trivial Bash script and I didn't know about this tool.
I will fix those issues as soon as possible!
EDIT: Done!
Last edited by childerico (2016-09-08 08:24:50)