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This script tries to take the tediousness (and sometimes difficulty for noobs) away out of making PKGBUILDS.
It automatically scours various venues of the internet and firefox cache for information about an archive you have downloaded and tries to autoinput all the entries in an PKGBUILD to it's best possibility. (note, the firefox cache code may not work all the time, i wrote it a long time ago when i barely knew what i was doing).
NOTE: Firefox is not an requirement, I use opera and it still finds almost all entries to autoinput.
You run the script like this:
autoPKGBUILD archivename.*
Download it now and try it out when your too tired to install that game not in AUR yet edit: scroll down to see the script.
KISS = "It can scarcely be denied that the supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible without having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience." - Albert Einstein
i should say that the script as default puts the downloaded package into /var/abs/local, change it you like..
KISS = "It can scarcely be denied that the supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible without having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience." - Albert Einstein
i wonder why the heck i dident think about that.
well i will fix that in the next version, problem is i dont know when it will be out since i dont have a computor(?!?!?!?!?!) atm, but i will fix this as soon as.
thank you very much for your input.
?? wrong thread?
edit: oh sorry. You were offering your help. cool
edit: I have actually done some work on this today. Which is a miracle almost considering it's me Will try to upload as fast as I think it's not total ugly anymore.
KISS = "It can scarcely be denied that the supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible without having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience." - Albert Einstein
Ok, there's a new version out. I have rewritten a lot of it, but some of it is barely functional code; i barely knew what i was doing back then
About the MIME stuff that i mention in the initial post, i just gave up on that one. now you run the script by just typing pkgbuilder name-of-archive.*
much nicer for me atleast, MIME i feel is a nightmare to 'get' completely with all the different implementations blablabla i don't even know what i'm talking about, that's how complicated it was.
The script doesn't support python yet, nor perl, but maybe i'll add those later today -- you see i have somewhat of a motivation problem
It won't always create the correct entries, and sometimes(though not so often) it might not find much info to autoinput into your PKGBUILD, but atleast in those cases your spared maunally writing the PKGBUILD from scratch
So this isn't the mythical "do-it-all-for-you" plug & play PKGBUILD maker but it'll help you save a considerate amount of time. If i implement the stuff i'm thinking about it might atleast come closer to that(save for stuff that quite simply won't compile), but then it's this motivation thing again stopping me
I also renamed it to autoPKGBUILD because thats closer to the truth than 'pkgbuilder'; which it's not, and cleared up the initial post so as to not cause so much confusion.
Enough talk! Enjoy!
# version 1.1
# support rake. support java: support python.
# støtte
# Important VARS. Change these to suit you better.
_TERMINAL="xterm +tb -bg black -fg gray -fn -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--18-120-100-100-c-90-iso10646-1"
if [ -e "$1" ];
if [ -e "$what" ];
mv "$what" $_BUILDDIR
wget "$what"
mv `basename "$what"` $_BUILDDIR
echo Moving file to ${_BUILDDIR}...
_new=`basename "$what"`
sleep 1
# the only named packaged i know it doesn't take care of properly is for example
_PKGNAME=`echo "${_new}"|sed -e 's/([_|-]|[.]){1}.*//' -e 's/[[:alnum:]]?.?[[:alpha:]]?.?[[:alnum:]]?.?[[:alpha:]]?.?[[:alnum:]]?.?[[:alpha:]]?.?[[:alnum:]]?(.tar.gz|.tar.bz2|.zip|.tar|.tgz)//'|tr -t '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`
case "${_new##*.}" in
_PDIR=`tar tf $_new|head -1|sed 's|/.*||g'`
mkdir $_PDIR
cd $_PDIR
_PDIR=`tar tf $_new|head -1|sed 's|/.*||g'`
mkdir $_PDIR
cd $_PDIR
_PDIR=`unzip -qql "$_new"|sed '2!d'|cut -c 29-`
if [ `dirname "$_PDIR"` = "." ]
mkdir "$_PDIR"
cd "$_PDIR"
_PDIR=`dirname "$_PDIR"`
mkdir "$_PDIR"
cd "$_PDIR"
_PDIR=`tar tf $_new|head -1|sed 's|/.*||g'`
mkdir $_PDIR
cd $_PDIR
echo unknown archive file.
sleep 1
exit 1
mv ../$_new .
echo Analysing and Creating PKGBUILD entries
echo $_PKGNAME
echo pkgname=$_PKGNAME >> PKGBUILD
_PKGVER=`echo ${_new}|sed -e 's/[[:alnum:]]{2}[[:alpha:]]*[_|-]?//' -e "s/.tar.gz//" -e "s/.tar.bz2//" -e "s/.tar//" -e "s/.zip//" -e "s/.tgz//"`
echo pkgver=$_PKGVER >> PKGBUILD
echo pkgrel=1 >> PKGBUILD
echo pkgdesc="`lynx -dump "${_PKGNAME}"|grep -A 2 "About:"|grep -v "About:"|xargs echo`" >> PKGBUILD
if grep -m 1 $_PKGNAME $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/history.dat 2>&1 > /dev/null;
echo url="`grep -m 1 $_PKGNAME $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/history.dat|sed 's| =||'|sed 's|)(.*||'`" >> PKGBUILD
echo url="`lynx -source$_PKGNAME|grep -m 1 'url_homepage'|egrep -o 'http://.*|ftp://.*'|sed 's|</a><br>||'|tr -d 'r'`" >> PKGBUILD
# bad license script..
echo license="`lynx -dump "$_PKGNAME"|grep -m 1 License|sed 's/.*(//'|sed 's/)//'`" >> PKGBUILD
echo "Checking compression type"
sleep 1
# maybe not working for archives compressed weirdly
echo $_PDIR is "$_PDIR"
case "${_new##*.}" in
echo "Uses gzip compression. Uncompressing..."
tar zxf "$_new"
cd $_PDIR
echo "Uses gzip compression. Uncompressing..."
tar zxf "$_new"
cd $_PDIR
echo "Uses zip compression. Uncompressing..."
if [ "$_UNZIP" = "1" ]
mkdir "$_PDIR"
cd "$_PDIR"
unzip "$_new"
unzip "$_new"
cd "$_PDIR"
echo "Uses bzip compression. Uncompressing..."
tar jxf $_new
cd $_PDIR
echo unknown archive file. Exiting.
sleep 1
# DEPENDS: grep from configure script? autopackage-tools? download .deb or .rpm and do ldd on it? grep from freshmeat/x-website?
echo Retrieving dependencies from software listings on the net and grepping for lib in dir. Then fixing them up.
_FMEAT_DEPS=`lynx -nolist -dump "${_PKGNAME}"|sed -n '/Dependencies:/,/[download links]/p'|sed -n '/Dependencies:/,/No dependencies filed/p'`
_FMEAT_REQ_DEPS=`echo "$_FMEAT_DEPS"|grep '(required)'|cut -d " " -f 4|tr [:upper:] [:lower:]`
_FMEAT_OPT_DEPS=`echo "$_FMEAT_DEPS"|grep '(optional)'|cut -d " " -f 4|tr [:upper:] [:lower:]`
#_HP_DEPS=`lynx -nolist -dump ''| sed -n '/Additional System Requirements:/,/Sound:/p'| sed '1s/Additional System Requirements://;$s/Sound://'|sed -e 's/^.**//' -e's/library.*//' |sed -n '/for (sound|graphics|joystick)/p' |sed -e "s/${_PKGNAME}.*the//" -e 's/(.*)//'|tr "," "n" |sed -e 's/^.................................*$//' -e 's/Binary.?//' -e 's/Source.?//'|tr -d " "|sed '/^$/d'`
_FILE_DEPS=`find -regextype egrep -iregex '[[:print:]]*readme|readme[[:print:]]*|[[:print:]]*install|install[[:print:]]*'|xargs egrep -ihIo "[a-z]+lib|lib[a-z]+"`
_DEPENDS=`echo -e "${_FILE_DEPS}n${_FMEAT_REQ_DEPS}"|sed 's/libraries|library//'|sort|uniq|sed '/^$/d'`
echo depends=(`echo "$_DEPENDS" |sed "s|^|'|"|sed "s|$|'|"|xargs -d "n"`) >> ../PKGBUILD
# return to normal dir
cd ..
echo "#makedepends=('')" >> PKGBUILD
echo "#install=" >> PKGBUILD
# If user downloaded the file through firefox the source= entry will be correct, else try to get the entry with lynx through freshmeat...
if grep ".*URL.*".*/${_new}".*" $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/downloads.rdf 2>&1 >/dev/null;
# if its from sourceforge/x web site transform the url to acceptable sourceforge PKGBUILD url which it doesnt do just yet...
# grab the url from the rdf.
_FILE=$(grep ".*URL.*".*/${_new}".*" $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/downloads.rdf|sed 's|.*</a> /dev/null|head -n 1`" ];then _AUTOTOOL="0";fi
if [ -n "`find . -maxdepth 3 -name 2> /dev/null|head -n -1`" ];then _AUTOTOOL="1";fi
if [ "$_AUTOTOOL" = "0" ];
echo "./configure --prefix=/usr" >> ../PKGBUILD
elif [ "$_AUTOTOOL" = "1" ];
echo "./ --prefix=/usr" >> ../PKGBUILD
if [ -n "$_AUTOTOOL" ];
echo This program uses autotools.
echo "make || return 1" >> ../PKGBUILD
# checking for DESTDIR
if grep -r DESTDIR * 2>&1 >/dev/null; then
echo 'make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install' >> ../PKGBUILD
if ! grep "make DESTDIR" ../PKGBUILD 2>&1 >/dev/null; then
echo 'make prefix=$startdir/pkg/usr install' >> ../PKGBUILD
# grab all make install prefix=/someplace exec_prefix=/someotherplace bindir=/foo sbindir=/bar .... from Makefile and insert it here
_INSTALLFILEEXISTS="`find -regextype egrep -iregex '[[:print:]]*install|install[[:print:]]*'|head -n 1 2> /dev/null`"
# To be colored
echo opening INSTALL file
sleep 1
_READMEEXIST="`find -regextype egrep -iregex '[[:print:]]*readme|readme[[:print:]]*'|head -n 1 2> /dev/null`"
if [ -n "$_READMEEXIST" ]
# To be colored
echo opening README file
sleep 1
# Check for more info? doc ?
# cd back to dir with PKGBUILD
cd ..
echo } >> PKGBUILD
echo Opening built PKGBUILD...
sleep 1
echo "Do You want to run makepkg now? Yy[enter]/Nn"
read _answer
case $_answer in
if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
echo 'Makepkg completed.'
echo "The build didn't complete correctly. Exiting script."
sleep 1
exit 0
echo "Exiting script."
sleep 1
if [ "$?" = "0" -a "$_answer" = "" ]; then
echo "Exiting script."
sleep 1
echo 'Listing the output of $startdir/pkg'
ls -R pkg
echo 'Was the output ok? Do you want to goto package dir(this script will also close) Yy[enter]/Nn'
read _answer
case $_answer in
sleep 1
exit 0
echo "Exiting script."
sleep 1
exit 1
if [ "$?" = "0" -a "$_answer" = "" ]; then
sleep 1
exit 0
echo "Exiting script."
sleep 1
exit 1
KISS = "It can scarcely be denied that the supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible without having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience." - Albert Einstein
Good idea test1000, decided to give it a try tonight to see how it handled a basic pkg.. seems there's small syntax error somewhere in your posted script.
/usr/bin/autoPKGBUILD: line 250: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'
/usr/bin/autoPKGBUILD: line 256: syntax error: unexpected end of file
I just went ahead and wrote the pkgbuild myself, i apologize for my extreme lazyness.
Does it work now? I've pasted the version i had on my HD which was apparently different from this one for some reason... if it didn't work now either please tell me which file you ran it on so i can fix the script.
It should work after all... why do you think there's been a sudden influx of packages by nut543 on the AUR
KISS = "It can scarcely be denied that the supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible without having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience." - Albert Einstein
Still recieved the same error, the pkg is wxdfast
It's a simple build, nothing fancy.
It should work after all... why do you think there's been a sudden influx of packages by nut543 on the AUR
lol, nice.
btw, here's how far it gets if it helps any..
$ autoPKGBUILD wxdfast_0.5.1.tar.gz
Moving file to /var/abs/local...
Analysing and Creating PKGBUILD entries
Checking compression type
$_PDIR is wxdfast-0.5.1
Uses gzip compression. Uncompressing...
Retrieving dependencies from software listings on the net and grepping for lib in dir. Then fixing them up.
/usr/bin/autoPKGBUILD: line 250: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'
/usr/bin/autoPKGBUILD: line 256: syntax error: unexpected end of file
Pages: 1