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Hi folks,
I am trying to install Arch Linux 64 bits on a Mac Mini Core2Duo 2.0 GHz which has a 64-bit architecture but a 32-bit EFI implementation. Booting with the latest dual-iso from DVD-drive just doesn't work. I even tried to boot using rEFInd (which itself boots OK) but also won't boot AL (neither DVD nor USB).
The only Linux-like thing I was able to boot was an Ubuntu server ISO (14.04 LTS) prepared with a Mac Mini compatible boot loader, presumably a 32-bit EFI.
So, my question is: how would I be able to boot AL from either DVD or USB and install AL as a single OS?
Maybe tweaking the AL dual iso to use the 32-bit EFI by default? If so, how should that be done?
Thanks in advance!
Found the answer myself: … 06-models/
Converting the AL dual iso with the C-program mentioned succeeded and I was able to boot the converted iso from DVD and install using legacy grub!