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A while back I read someplace, somewhere on the web a discussion about defraging. Thats NOT what I'm currious about. What was mentioned was how a perfectly defraged system can still be less than optimized because essential files (mostly boot file) are located all over the disk do to rolling updates.
What is the term for this? I can't seem to find it anymore. They were saying how the massive seeking can cause slow boot times, even on a defraged disk. I hope this all makes sense. Thanks for the help.
Ryan -
isnt that called defragmenting??
Be yourself, because you are all that you can be
No, dogfin doesn't mean that the files itselves are put in various fragments over the disk but that one file is lying on another location of your hd than the other
Maybe you mean "splittering up" ? (just a guess, though)
some defragmenter programs for windows will try to put files in the order that they are used. for example, booting the os, or when running photoshop.
i believe they call that "disk optimization".
defragging alone doesn't care about the order of files on the disk, only that a single file itself isn't fragmented all over the disk.
hmm... any apps like that for linux "disk optimization" ones i mean?
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arrg, now I feel slow. non-contiguous and disk optimization got me what I needed. I'm doing a presentation in my Operating Systems class and wanted to mention this. Thanks Guys.
Ryan -
You optimize non-contingous files by copying them to a temporary location, delete the old and move the new back -its exactly what pacman-optimize does.
Pages: 1