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Global Havok wrote:orestis wrote:I love the color combination. Could you post the gtk and openbox theme you are using?
My openbox/gtk themes are both modifications of tempura... I'll gladly upload them when I'm done tinkering (a few places still have the wrong colors, ie the openbox menu). I also need to change a few more of the pixmaps to increase visiblity.
However, if you're interested in the unfinished product, I can send it on over. Let me know.
Yes please. I wouldn't mind getting the unfinished one as well.
Here ya go. If anyone wants the finished version after I'm done tweaking it, just PM me.
jaboua, that was it. thanks.
Here ya go. If anyone wants the finished version after I'm done tweaking it, just PM me.
whargoul wrote:TomE wrote:[URL=][/URL]
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!That was one cool Conky. Kind to share your config?
TEXT ${color #323639}System:$color $kernel ${color #323639} CPU Usage:$color $cpu% ${cpugraph 20, 160} ${color #323639} RAM Usage:$color $mem/$memmax - $memperc% ${color #323639} Processes:$color $processes ${color #323639}Running:$color $running_processes ${color #323639} Name CPU% MEM%$color ${color #ffffff} ${top name 1}${top cpu 1}${top mem 1}$color ${color #cccccc} ${top name 2}${top cpu 2}${top mem 2}$color ${color #aaaaaa} ${top name 3}${top cpu 3}${top mem 3}$color ${color #323639}Networking:$color eth0 ${color #323639} Down$color: ${downspeed eth0} k/s ${offset 11}${color #323639}Up:$color ${upspeed eth0} k/s ${downspeedgraph eth0 20,77} ${upspeedgraph eth0 20,77}${if_running mpd} ${color #323639}MPD status:$color $mpd_status $mpd_artist $mpd_album $mpd_title ${color #323639}Random:$color $mpd_random ${color #323639}Repeat:$color $mpd_repeat ${mpd_bar 7,160}${endif mpd}
The font is MonteCarlo its a great font for urxvt as it has bold font as well
Thanks. But I have one problem with the font. I have chosen the .PCF version and I have placed the font in '/usr/share/fonts/misc', and after doing a 'fc-cache -vf' it doesn't work.
Arch - It's something refreshing
Thanks. But I have one problem with the font. I have chosen the .PCF version and I have placed the font in '/usr/share/fonts/misc', and after doing a 'fc-cache -vf' it doesn't work.
Its a bitmap font so it will only show up in xfontsel.
I take it you done 'xset fp rehash' or restarted X (the best option)
I had to do 'mkfontscale' and 'mkfontdir' to get it to work, but that was in ~/.fonts which did not have any fonts in it.
You might also want to add
font -*-montecarlo-medium-*-*-*-11-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
draw_borders yes
border_margin 4
to your ~/.conkyrc
May I have that irssi theme?
Sure, here it is.
cdhotfire wrote:May I have that irssi theme?
Sure, here it is.
Thank you.
"Ooooh Yaaaa!"
GSF: What is the app on the right there with "seg" in the title?
GSF: What is the app on the right there with "seg" in the title?
It's Thunar.
My current laptop setup:
GSF: The link isn't working for your irssi theme
GSF: The link isn't working for your irssi theme
It should be now, but here is a mirror, just in case.
Also, welcome aboard
thankyou, and thankyou
I've wondered for some time what the business with hammer-and-sickle wallpapers on Linux desktops is... Is it a reference to Steve Balmer claiming that the GPL is Communist?
I've wondered for some time what the business with hammer-and-sickle wallpapers on Linux desktops is... Is it a reference to Steve Balmer claiming that the GPL is Communist?
I agree with Steve tho. Open Source is a weapon in the hands of the proletariat.
Seriously, it's just a kink I have.
Thanks phrakture! I've been searching on the problem but to no avail.
That sorted it out