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#1 2016-10-15 16:43:23

From: Massachusetts
Registered: 2013-08-15
Posts: 100

[Solved] Creating Packages - no base-devel

The following instruction appears in the wiki Creating Packages:

Prerequisite software

First ensure that the necessary tools are installed. Installing the package group base-devel should be sufficient; it includes make and additional tools needed for compiling from source.

There does not seem to be a base-devel package:

$ pacman -Si base-devel
error: package 'base-devel' was not found

Does that mean that base-devel is in abs, and abs should be installed?

Creating Packages goes on to say:

One of the key tools for building packages is makepkg (provided by pacman)

Does that mean that makepkg is sufficient and abs/base-devel is not needed?

I came across the above in trying to prepare a PKGBUILD to package a Brother printer driver.

Last edited by hilltownboy (2016-10-16 00:34:30)


#2 2016-10-15 16:44:09

Registered: 2012-09-01
Posts: 11,671

Re: [Solved] Creating Packages - no base-devel

base-devel is a group. Why are you using -Si?


#3 2016-10-15 21:51:05

Registered: 2016-10-15
Posts: 8

Re: [Solved] Creating Packages - no base-devel

$ pacman -Si

Shows information of packages not groups of packages. What you are looking for is

$ pacman -Sg

. It will print all members of group. Here is my output of pacman -Sg base-devel:

Laptop1:~ $ pacman -Sg base-devel
base-devel autoconf
base-devel automake
base-devel binutils
base-devel bison
base-devel fakeroot
base-devel file
base-devel findutils
base-devel flex
base-devel gawk
base-devel gcc
base-devel gettext
base-devel grep
base-devel groff
base-devel gzip
base-devel libtool
base-devel m4
base-devel make
base-devel pacman
base-devel patch
base-devel pkg-config
base-devel sed
base-devel sudo
base-devel texinfo
base-devel util-linux
base-devel which

Last edited by ColdPhoenix2 (2016-10-15 22:00:58)


#4 2016-10-15 22:03:12

Inspector Parrot
Registered: 2011-11-29
Posts: 29,668

Re: [Solved] Creating Packages - no base-devel

hilltownboy wrote:

Does that mean that base-devel is in abs, and abs should be installed?

... and abs/base-devel is not needed?

In addition to the above comments, this makes no sense at all.  The ABS is not a repo.  Perhaps you are confusing it with the AUR?

You've been around long enough to have had time to learn a little about arch.  If you are still confused to the degree that this question indicates, I strongly suggest you devote some time to really reading, learning, and gaining understanding, or perhaps consider another distro before you end up with real problems due to misunderstanding the basic functioning of the one you are using.

To Be A Dev: propose idea; invite feedback; mock, ridicule, and ostracize any critical feedback; but be warm and kind to those who kiss your ring.


#5 2016-10-16 00:33:32

From: Massachusetts
Registered: 2013-08-15
Posts: 100

Re: [Solved] Creating Packages - no base-devel

Thank you Scimmia and ColdPhoenix2 for setting me staight with pacman -Sg.


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