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Pages: 1
my new Notebooks makes terrible things, when i press the tabulator or the remove sign up to the big enter key. Arch puts out a "?" in a box.
My vconsole.conf:
KEYMAP=de-latin1 FONT=lat9w-16 FONT_MAP=8859-1_to_uni
in the locale.gen: de_DE.UTF-8 UTF-8 de_DE ISO-8859-1 de_DE@euro ISO-8859-15
But finally when i boot from the USB Stick (Arch Installer) these misstakes do not come. So it's in my configuration, do you know if there are hidden settings, that i forgot ?
Information: It's a Lenovo Thinkpad X230. The only keys, which don't work is the TAB and the remove button. These two are quiet important to me and the output when i press this two is the "?".
Last edited by Q3uchen (2016-10-22 10:41:18)
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EDIT - Outputs are easier to read with code tags.
Last edited by philo (2016-10-24 08:30:34)
Pages: 1