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#1 2016-10-11 20:30:19

Registered: 2012-05-20
Posts: 44

Installing from CD - device did not show up after 30 seconds

I'm running a slightly older install media (201602) since that's the ISO that I happened to have laying around. I burned the ISO using brasero on my desktop that's running arch linux. When I tried to boot up on this laptop it starts booting but then fails. Following some other advice, I tried this:

    ln -s /dev/cdrom /dev/disk/by-label/ARCH_201602

Which seemed to partially work, as now it tells me:

    mount: you must specify the filesystem type
    ERROR; Failed to mount '/dev/disk/by-label/ARCH_201602`

Then falls back to interactive prompt. I'm assuming that I could do something like:

    mount -t <some type> /dev/disk/by-label/ <some path>

But I haven't been able to find what type or path I should use via google, the arch forums, and stackexchange. Are there some specific terms that I should be searching for?


#2 2016-10-12 13:25:09

From: Netherlands, Europe
Registered: 2005-10-04
Posts: 13,356

Re: Installing from CD - device did not show up after 30 seconds

You did tell Brasero to burn an image to CD ?

Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.

clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky


#3 2016-10-13 13:53:06

Registered: 2012-05-20
Posts: 44

Re: Installing from CD - device did not show up after 30 seconds

Yes, I did. From what I've seen this typically happens due to the CD naming? I also used the same ISO several months ago to create another machine (different disc, though). I have *vague* recollections that I had to do something like this back then, too, I just don't remember what.

As an aside... how would the disc even boot if it was just an ISO burned as data, rather than an image? I've never had that work on the few occasions I've mistakenly done that.


#4 2016-10-13 15:38:13

Registered: 2012-08-01
Posts: 1,375

Re: Installing from CD - device did not show up after 30 seconds

Just a few days ago I was facing the same problem. Burning the image again solved it — seems like the medium was damaged.

Sometimes I seem a bit harsh — don’t get offended too easily!


#5 2016-10-13 21:59:14

From: Netherlands, Europe
Registered: 2005-10-04
Posts: 13,356

Re: Installing from CD - device did not show up after 30 seconds

You would be surprised how many people don't realise AL iso is bootable and look for ways to create a bootable CD/USB .

there was a similar issue with latest 201610 iso , it looked for the 201603 label .

waynew, you have verified the checksum for the iso to make sure the download was correct?

Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.

clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky


#6 2016-10-17 19:27:52

Registered: 2012-05-20
Posts: 44

Re: Installing from CD - device did not show up after 30 seconds

I downloaded the ISO from the torrent, which I'm *assuming* did some checksumming for me, as I don't see the option to download one. I also searched Google and the arch page but couldn't find a specific checksum for that particular ISO.

I did end out finding the install media that I previously used... on the floor of my childrens' room, scratched to pieces, so that's not much help there.


#7 2016-10-17 23:11:49

Registered: 2012-08-01
Posts: 1,375

Re: Installing from CD - device did not show up after 30 seconds

waynew wrote:

I downloaded the ISO from the torrent, which I'm *assuming* did some checksumming for me,

Which doesn’t mean that the ISO wasn’t corrupted later or the medium itself was good.

waynew wrote:

as I don't see the option to download one. I also searched Google and the arch page but couldn't find a specific checksum for that particular ISO.

  1. Scroll up.

  2. Go to Download.

  3. Search for “File integrity”.

  4. Voila!

waynew wrote:

I did end out finding the install media that I previously used... on the floor of my childrens' room, scratched to pieces, so that's not much help there.

So you have a good reason to burn a new one and check if the problem persists. Also a motivation for putting the S2 EU S-Phrase on the DVD and applying it in practice — keep in mind that in case your system gets borked, this DVD is the only thing that may save you without a need of using another computer.

Sometimes I seem a bit harsh — don’t get offended too easily!


#8 2016-10-27 16:57:37

Registered: 2012-05-20
Posts: 44

Re: Installing from CD - device did not show up after 30 seconds

That page only provides the sum for the latest releases... but I was able to go to the internet archive and find the right sums:

MD5: b2a7ffedf177326366e0ad8bc688bb40
SHA1: 37427c722ffc57c15fb984287c34d5d48cc84247

And my ISO probably contains the right bits - at least the md5 matches.

I burned another copy of the ISO and still faces the same problem. I was able to do:

mkdir -p /dev/disk/by-label/ARCH_201602
mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /dev/disk/by-label/ARCH_201602

Which mounted the drive and I could `ls` and things, but when I typed `exit`, boo, no go. Just did the same device did not show up after 30 seconds.

I also tried

    ln -s /dev/cdrom /dev/disk/by-label/ARCH_201602

Which again resulted in the same failure.

I've just downloaded the most recent ISO so we'll see if that fares any better.


#9 2016-10-27 21:12:25

Registered: 2012-08-01
Posts: 1,375

Re: Installing from CD - device did not show up after 30 seconds

sha1sum /dev/cdrom

Check if the sum is right. Do so on a system that, since the last reboot, hasn’t been used for reading the Arch DVD.

Sometimes I seem a bit harsh — don’t get offended too easily!


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