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I need to be able to open both my partitions with cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdx for encrypted partition 1 and luksOpen /dev/sdy for encrypted partition 2.
In Arch live cd when I can successfully open the first partition using cryptsetup Luks Open as above and all logical volumes appear (root,home swap etc)
When I attempt to open the second the same way it doesn't show the logical volumes inside (possibly because cryptsetup only allows one luks to be decrypted at a time?)
I want to be able to luksOpen & mount 2 encrypted partitions at the same time is this possible.
Luks works fine with multiple encrypted volumes open, your problem is somewhere else. I can think of luks uuid or partition names/uuid/fsuuid being equal and causing trouble.
Luks works fine with multiple encrypted volumes open, your problem is somewhere else. I can think of luks uuid or partition names/uuid/fsuuid being equal and causing trouble.
Actually all I need is os-prober to recognise the encrypted second OS i have installed on top of my arch and it doesn't. Any ideas?
Seems to me you have a XY Problem. Make up your mind about what the real problem is and don't make us play the 20 questions game to help you. Post logs, error messages, what you've tried to make it work and what you really want to achieve.
Seems to me you have a XY Problem. Make up your mind about what the real problem is and don't make us play the 20 questions game to help you. Post logs, error messages, what you've tried to make it work and what you really want to achieve.
Ok. I have Arch installed fully encrypted (inc /boot). I also have Windows installed as dual boot and they work fine.
I want to add another OS (Debian) on top of what I have already also fully encrypted.
I run a new install of Debian from the DVD. I setup an unencrypted boot partition (logical because i have no more primary free) of 200M. I then setup an Encrypted partition for the remainder (/root). I skip the option to write grub to MBR and do not select an option where it is. (everytime I do this it overwrites my grub from arch linux). I then boot into my encrypted Arch OS and can see the partitions /sda6 (boot) & /sda7 (/root encrypted). I click on /sda6 (boot) and it auto mounts (to /run/media/user...) in Nemo.
I decrypt /sda7 with cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda7 cryptdisk and it mounts and I can see inside the partition all the installed files.
All I need to do now is add this into my current Grub in Arch. Os-prober doesn't recognise it. If I install the OS without encryption It does. Please help I hope it is clear now.