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i never asked for help before so i have no idea how
but every time i try to install arch this happens
i used this … -uefi.html
and also i installed it a few times with this
but now for both it cant find the root device
i can get the /boo/loaders/entries/arch.conf and mkinitcpio if you guys need it
i also tried this to fix it … ux-install
didn't work much
Stop using random blog posts: they are outdated and probably wrong. Use the official documentation on the wiki.
I'll try I tried a long time ago and it just looked messy it's much better now
I have the same problem. About a week ago after updating via
pacman -Suy
arch became unbootable.
I decided to make fresh install, but my home PC doesn't boot via USB with new arch iso (Release: 2016.11.01).
Everything is OK with USB and it boots on other PC, but not at my home (old one with P5GD1-VM motherboard). The problems are definitely in arch iso, because older releases and Ubuntu iso are bootable at home.
With best wishes to developers.
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