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[Solved ]hi im using arch xfce and how can i enable or setup startup and shutdown sound in my pc?
Last edited by sunnyday (2016-12-18 06:30:58)
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I don't use Xfce4 or system sounds, so I've no clue how to help.
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way
Did you try a web search for "xfce startup sound"? You might also check the Xfce forum, or post your question there:
This post is solved i can now make my own scripts for running them at startup or shutdown
You can post your script too, so other fellows with similar issue can get help from it or someone may help refine the scripts.
Arch is home!
You can post your script too, so other fellows with similar issue can get help from it or someone may help refine the scripts.
install mplayer (you can use any commandline player)
put a sound in safe location like /usr/share/sounds then
create a script in /usr/bin as startupsound
### script playing the sound
mplayer /usr/share/sounds/startupsound.(m4a/ogg/mp3 anyformat)
then save and enable permissions
later create a service in /etc/system/systemd as startupsound.service
Description=startup sound
then save it and enable the service
for running a shutdown script add Type, RemainAfterExit and ExecStop to shutdown service
Last edited by sunnyday (2017-01-16 06:09:15)
Docbroke wrote:You can post your script too, so other fellows with similar issue can get help from it or someone may help refine the scripts.
install mplayer(you can use any commandline player)
put a sound in safe location like /usr/share/sounds then
create a script in /usr/bin as startupsound
### script playing the sound
#!/usr/bin/bashmplayer /usr/share/sounds/startupsound.(m4a/ogg/mp3 anyformat)
then save and enable permissions
later create a service in /etc/system/systemd as startupsound.service
Description=startup sound[Service]
WantedBy=multi-user.targetthen save it and enable the service
for running a shutdown script add Type, RemainAfterExit and ExecStop to shutdown service
Last edited by sunnyday (2017-01-16 06:04:30)
Pages: 1