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Pages: 1
WTF!!!!!!! I was trying different versions of GCC and GLIBC and for some reason now all of my startup scripts are gone!!! My whole system is fucked up... I think it's some glibc un/install script fault!!! Im not sure, but everything inside rc.d and /etc/profile was deleted... Now I have to create them again!
And one more question, could anybody here boot the standar kernel with a SilliconImage SATA controller (sata_sil module)? Because my system locks every time it tries to load that module... The only way i can make it work is by compiling it statically into the kernel!!!
Ok, thanx again!
try booting your system with the beyond kernel, it contains a lot of SATA updates, and i know theres many which affect your sata controller.
I already tried that, but let me say that it's not an Arch specific problem, actually it happens (to me and many other people using SiL3112) in a lot of others distros, Gentoo LiveCDs for example... I was just wondering if someone knows what is causing that problem, because apparentely it's not even solved with the latest 2.6.17 kernel and it's not a minor issue for me since I work with LiveCDs a lot!!! >:(
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