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Hello everyone,
I have been trying for several days to set up a CHROOT for certain users in connection SSH by strictly following the indications of the link: (french sorry)
However, the backspace key moves the cursor forward instead of moving it backward. I tried to add the stty program to /usr/bin/ of the chrooted directory, do a stty erase ^H or ^?, nothing is done, the problem and the same either from a Mac or Linux terminal .
And yet ... something that surpasses me ... the backspace key works correctly with a non-chrooted SSH connection. And if I chroot the user directory directly from the server with root session for which the backspace works, same problem once chrooted the backspace becomes faulty.
Although I tried to find solutions on Google, they all proved unsuccessful.
Thank you for your answers.
Last edited by JohnWaltery (2016-11-23 08:20:20)
The behavior is determined by the shell, not chroot or ssh.
=> Which one? bash, zsh, ...?
What happens if, in the ssh session, you run the command export TERM=linux
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I apologize for the response time. I have found the solution. It was enough to copy the directory /usr/share/terminfo/ to /usr/share/terminfo of chroot directory.
Best regards.
I apologize for the response time. I have found the solution. It was enough to copy the directory /usr/share/terminfo/ to /usr/share/terminfo of chroot directory.
Best regards.
tank you for this
I have found the solution. copy the directory /usr/share/terminfo/ to /usr/share/terminfo of chroot directory.
it work for me
Please do not necrobump.
Pages: 1
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