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Been using arch for half a year now, and for some reason I'm struggling to fight the urge to install Arch on every single PC I lay my eyes on.
We all do. These forums are actually a support group for those who are Arch-dicted. Welcome!
Hmmm, a support group. Arch-dicted... Yeah, I guess that's about right. Feels like I showed up somewhere for free cookies and discovered I was in an AA meeting. But the support is good here, never been to an AA meeting, I'm sure their support is good, too.
@noobExtreme, I think I know just how you feel. Have a look at the thread I started, and welcome to the forum.
Edit: Welcome to all you other new members, as well. You are truly an interesting group of people.
Last edited by Texbrew (2016-12-07 12:01:34)
Texbrew wrote:@noobExtreme, I think I know just how you feel. Have a look at the thread I started, and welcome to the forum.
@runical. Arch-dicted is definitely the word. Does arch sell clothes or items like mugs that people can purchase to donate?
@TexBrew. Thanks for the welcome. I see you have started a monster here. Will be posting to that thread soon enough.
Take a look at the homepage. On the right, there is a heading 'Support'. Mugs, t-shirts, etc can be had there, although I'm not 100% sure that revenue goes to Arch itself.
Last edited by runical (2016-12-07 13:16:30)
Found it thanks!!!
Hello people!
I started using an old HP laptop with Arch Linux as my main computer.
My previous one was a MacBook Pro but I decided to try something different.
Now I just want to be part of this huge and amazing community!
See you soon!
I look forward to everything this site has to offer. I have thought about building my own Linux OS by starting from scratch but, I would like to see what I can do with Arch Linux. I am a beginner and I also look forward to the vast amount of information that is attainable on this site. I will be working in the following areas:
Bash Scripting
Linux Programming on Embedded Systems or Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC)
86_64 systems
I will be building my own OS for my own personal use too. Linux From Scratch, any advice on that would be great.
Well, here is another convert saying hello to the forum :-)
Just got my hands on a Dell XPS 13 after almost 20 years on a Mac, and rather than going the "quick and easy" way with Ubuntu, I decided that Arch's minimalism was the way to go!
And hopefully looking forward to the next 20 years!
Hello everyone!
Been using Arch as my daily driver for about three years now. Can't wait to get more involved with the community and actually start contributing
Hello Unofifically from Patagonia Argentina. Ade cade long Linux user (Ubutnu-MInt-Debian, and several others testing distros). A few years using Debian Xfce and now trying to install Arch (right now screwed Grub and aborted installation).
You will be reading my stupid questions in poor english.
Hi Archers, I have been an avid user of linux systems ever since I broke free from Windows a few years ago. I recently installed Arch on a Dell Chromebook because I could no longer stand the MacBook I got given for my PhD! The operating system was constantly trying to fight me and it feels great to be in full control of my computer again. I am absolutely loving Arch so far, to the point where I even decided to stop lurking and actively contribute to the community (where I can).
See you around!
Keep digging
It's been a few days since I greeted new forum members, hope all of you enjoy your Arch machines as well as your visits to the forums.
I've just successfully installed Arch on my new laptop, and it was an experience. Although easier than registering for these forums, apparently MobaXterm messes up that devious little test...
I'm a PhD student at the University of Leeds and I'm hoping to use Arch as my environment for computational chemistry. I have a little bit of experience with unix systems and I was told to start with Arch as soon as possible so I don't get comfortable with something easier. I'll try and keep my questions to a minimum, but no doubt a few of them will be a little obvious
I've just successfully installed Arch on my new laptop, and it was an experience. Although easier than registering for these forums, apparently MobaXterm messes up that devious little test...
I'm a PhD student at the University of Leeds and I'm hoping to use Arch as my environment for computational chemistry. I have a little bit of experience with unix systems and I was told to start with Arch as soon as possible so I don't get comfortable with something easier. I'll try and keep my questions to a minimum, but no doubt a few of them will be a little obvious
Real name, location information... don't be surprised when people start calling you in the office to answer your questions.
After reading the code of conduct and familiarizing the Arch way, I would be useful for the Arch Community in progressing myself to new heights by connecting with people and sharing contributed information to en-light this wonderful community and to the growth of collective Archers! I hope this will be my fresh start that guide me to interact with new developers and new ideas, that would help others in doing constructive solutions for this wonderful Arch Community!
Last edited by ram19890 (2016-12-17 15:51:02)
Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Hello, I’m Ben from Pennsylvania. I have used various Linux distros over the past 4 years. My previous distro was Manjaro, which I loved, but I switched to Arch two weeks ago because I wanted see if I can “do it myself” in terms of installing and setting up my OS to my liking. So far, everything is going well. The documentation in the wiki is excellent! I prefer rolling release over reinstalling every 6-9 months. Overall, Arch seems less buggy than many “fixed release” and “long-term support” distros that I have used. I think I’ll stay for a while!
Last edited by ben781 (2016-12-18 07:26:45)
Howdy Y'all. Hey Ben, the DIY aspect of Arch is exactly why I was drawn to it. As for reinstalling, I had to do that a couple of times at first, only because I broke it and was too inexperienced or too impatient to figure out how to fix it. But yeah, rolling release is better, I think. My other favorite distro from before Arch is long lived before support for it ends, but sadly, I think it goes to the bone yard in a few months. I'm not as fond of its new baby brother, Jesse.
We need to pay attention to the Front Page, check the new forum posts for problems which may arise, and update/upgrade often.
Which reminds me, real life has kept me away from my toys the last couple weeks. This laptop hasn't been upgraded in 11 days. I'll see you after the smoke clears...
I also suggest subscribing to arch-announce newsletter. Have fun with your Arch machine!
Hello guys. I'm in college and i formatted the hard drive of my laptop and decided to use arch linux, It's a bit terrifying for me at first because I'm new to Arch Linux. In fact, its challenging for a beginner like me. However, It didn't stop me from using Arch Linux because i really wanted to use this distro and now, I'm loving it and learning a lot especially from the wikis and threads. This is currently my favorite linux distro!
Last edited by francecopes (2016-12-18 14:40:57)
I've been going on and off alot lately but right now im looking to building an arch server on a dell poweredge R710!
Cya At The Table
Arch installation was fun and the theory helped me in a job interview as well. Eager to learn with Arch
Hello everybody.
I've been using Arch for a few months now and I'm in love with it, so I think it's about time to become an active part of this community.
I am not an expert at all and I have already used much of the knowledge in this forum, but yet I'm here looking forward to learning some from you guys and hopefully, in the future, help people out.
Hello! I'm relatively active in the Arch IRC channels and decided to join the forums.
Merry Christmarchs and a Happy New year!
I wish you all a lot of happiness these days, and I'd like to say Thank You for the community help! I have now my domestic office needs covered by a beautiful linux system.
best wishes.
Last edited by Sindarin (2016-12-24 10:45:01)
* install arch * install dsk envir.
* i've returned to gnome3 * install libreoffice
* make the scnn wrk * printer works
* skype works * shared folder
@Sindarin, Feliz Navidad-archer, Próspero Año Nuevo! (I looked it up, being unschooled in the beautiful Spanish language.)
I remember your earlier posts with your linux to-do list. Congratulations. Isn't it beautiful? Having a very functional operating system without having to depend on the "big boys" and their proprietary systems is wonderful.
Hello fellow archers
After weeks of practice simulations in virtual box i am finally arch linux dual boot native on this slightly older hp laptop.