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I'm working on a non-bleeding edge AMD build (lts) to support catalyst install. As many of you are aware, catalyst install fails on newer kernels with <4.7 kernel requirement. As catalyst and it's dependency require sub 4.7 kernel, I want to boot into lts.
When running 'pacstrap -i /mnt linux-lts' it includes linux-api-headers-4.7.1 as a dependency. I need linux-lts-headers installed rather than linux-api-headers to allow for catalyst install.
I tried installing linux-lts-headers first, then proceeding with linux-lts install and also attempted '--ignore linux-api-headers' but every package (or a substantial amount of packages) require linux-api-headers-4.7.1. I've also tried installing linux-lts then installing linix-lts-headers then removing linux-api-headers, however that also fails miserably informing me that glibc requires linux-api-headers-4.7.1.
Does anybody know of a workaround? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Last edited by arx (2016-12-27 05:37:55)
api-headers != kernel module headers you are hanging yourself on a non-issue in this case. They are used by glibc but I'd assume that they will have necessary checks internally to not access unavailable API depending on the running kernel. You will want to read through and follow this thread
Last edited by V1del (2016-12-27 09:34:15)
Thanks for the reply V1del.